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After the incredibly embarrassing conversation with Chuck, Newt took me over with him to the fields and explained what I was going to be doing.

According to him, I was supposed to be picking carrots and potatoes out of the ground.

It seemed like the simplest job ever.

Easier said than done.

As the day grew on, it got colder and colder which was very strange since it was always hot out.

Newt had come over as I finished filling up the 3rd basket of carrots for dinner tonight.

"Tide you're freezing." He cooed, his hands rubbing up and down my arms soothingly.

"It is pretty cold out." I turned to look up at him and he smiled pressing a light kiss to my forehead.

"I'm sure we've got something warmer for you to wear somewhere." He said as he picked the basket of carrots up for me.

"Mmmm... I love you." I laughed and kissed his nose.

"I can bring these to Frypan, if you go to Clint and Jeff tell them I sent you to get something warm and they'll get you something." He said before nipping on my earlobe causing a squeal to escape my lips.

His laugh echoed as he walked off towards Frypan.

As I walked over towards Clint who was bandaging up one of the slicer's arms, it started to rain.


A couple of people started shouting telling people to get inside somewhere.

The homestead seemed to be the hotspot and there were blankets in there so screw getting a jacket.

I started running towards the homestead and laughed at the guys reactions, all of them looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Newt grinned when he saw me and pulled me in close hugging me tightly.

"You're even colder now." He exclaimed pulling me closer nestling me his face into my shoulder.

"But I got you a blanket." He added pressing a light kiss to my forehead and wrapping the warm, fluffy fabric around me before sitting himself down and pulling me into his lap.

"Relax love." He mused rubbing up and down my sides in an attempt to warm me up.

"You were amazing last night." I whispered in his ear after a moment of silence between us, my lips just grazing the surface.

"I must say the same goes for you." He said softly, his hands gripping my hips tighter.

"Why thank you." A soft giggle escaped my lips and he smiled kissing my lips quickly.

As the rain poured down seeming to never end, Newt held me tight whispering playful things as he attempted to be seductive but mostly failed because he was so shy.

As the day went on, the rain still continued to pour down.

"Newt are we going to try again tonight or not?" I asked suddenly turning to face him as his cheeks went a bright red.

"If you want to, of course we can." He said pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"I would like that." I whispered and he grinned.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now