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After the meeting, Newt and I were the last the leave the room. He had spoke to me about the idea of a baby but I still wasn't sure about this whole baby thing.

"We're having a bonfire tonight." Newt said breaking the silence between us as we walked towards the homestead.

"Like a thing of fire and people talk and have a party bonfire or the 'I'm gonna burn you with a stick' bonfire?" I questioned making Newt laugh.

"People talk and have a party Bonfire." He said and chuckled as we reached the homestead and walked inside, the smell was bad but I quickly adjusted to it.

"Mkay, sounds fun." A smile made its way to his face and he kissed my cheek before bending over and picking up a... pole?

"What's that for?" I questioned turning to face him better, the pole was almost the size of him.

"For starting the fire tonight." His voice was deeper than normal as he bent over grabbing about 6 more of the poles.

I watched as he gathered them in his hands, he didn't seem to have any problems with carrying them.

"I'll be right back, stay in here alright?" He asked, his face almost hidden by the poles.

"Alright" I gave him a thumbs up before he walked out leaving me in the alone in the homestead.

The different leaves and other dead plants crunched under my feet as I walked around hoisting myself up a ladder that was towards the back of the homestead.

"It's all your fault." A strange voice sent shivers up my spine as I turned to face where the voice was coming from.

On the floor, where I was standing moments ago stood a broad figure, pale skin, dark pants and a loose shirt on all drenched in sweat.

He was a runner.

"What's my fault?" My voice came out stronger than I expected.

Newt would be back any minute.

I would be alright.

"You are having that baby here! This is all your fault!" He yelled, his voice deeper than I was comfortable with.

"N-No. Not yet." This time a whisper. the words left my lips feeling foreign.

A growl ripped through his chest and he started to pull himself up the ladder quicker than I had anticipated.

So I did the only thing I knew how to do in that moment.

Move faster.

My hands were drenched in sweat as I pulled myself up, the runner right at my heels.

I yanked myself up to roll onto a flat surface and started to run.

"You're having that baby!" He yelled as he started to run after me.

I didn't respond. I just ran until I nearly got a wall.

And he was on me.

Pinning my hands above my head with one of his hands and undressing himself with the other.

"Stop!" I screamed, louder than I ever had before.

He didn't listen.

He only started to pull at my top until the buttons were undone.

"That hurts! stop it!" I was screaming and trying to kick at him as his hands tightened around my wrists cutting the circulation off.

My wrists went numb though the rest of my body was as alice as an electric wire.

"Quit moving." He hissed pulling my top of and I pulled one knee up to knee him hard.

His reaction was immediate, he doubled over gripping himself and I started to run.

My heart pounded against my ribcage as I soon heard the faint footsteps of the runner behind me.

My heart was louder.

My feet missed about 4 steps on the ladder but I landed with a faint thump on my feet.

"Help!" I screamed suddenly running towards the doors Newt walked out only minutes ago, the leaves crunching under my feet as I sprinted out.

I made it to the point where some Glaser's saw me before the runner tackled me, my cheek hitting the ground first and then the rest of my body.

"Stop! Help!" I screamed squirming under his grip as he moved On Top of me, his nails now digging into my wrists and got red blood started to trickle down.

A scream ripped through the air and the runner was off of me, Gally standing next to me and a shovel in hand.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now