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The next morning when I woke up, Newt had his hands wrapped around me and his chin rested atop my head.

"Newt" I mumbled squirming a bit to get out of his grip, but he just continued to hug me close to him.

At least I was warm.

"Newt." I groaned softly again and nuzzled his chest and he made a soft noise of pleasure before his eyes opened and he looked down at me groggily.

"What is it love?" He mumbled, his voice deeper than normal from sleep and his blonde hair was a mess atop his head.

"I want to get up." I murmured looking up at him and kissing his cheek. He chuckled softly nuzzling my nose with his before sighing and loosening do his grip on me so I could get up.

"But I don't want you to." He groaned and grabbed my hips pulling me back down next to him. I nearly landed on top of the shank.

"Newt it's almost noon. Alby is going to have both of our heads of we don't get up soon." I sighed rolling over to face him and I kissed his plump lips quickly before sitting back up only this time, he sat up with me.

Throughout the next hour, I got ready which meant I changed into more suitable clothes. After that, we went into Fry Pan kitchen.

But only a few minutes after Newt and I had sat down with some other Gladers for lunch had Thomas and Minho come running yelling about needing Alby.

Alby came over while Minho explained whatever it was that happened. So me, being the curious person I am, came waddling over, Newt following right behind me.

"Tom what happened?" I asked once he turned his attention to me. And he said the one thing I had been waiting to hear since we all arrived.

"We think we found a way out."

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now