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The next morning I woke up much earlier than usual. Newt was snoring softly, his arms secured around me as I laid on top of him.

Our clothes were in different locations all around the room.


Minho's going to be in here in a minute.

"Newt, Newt wake up." I whispered shaking him until his eyes fluttered open.

"Yes love?" He asked, his voice scratchy from just waking up.

"Minho's going to be here in a moment." I murmured rolling off of him and snatching up my clothes from the different areas of the room.

"Shucking hell." Newt groaned rolling over and grabbing his pants and shirt tugging them on just as I finished getting on my black tight jeans and dark red, nearly see through I might add, shirt.

Just as I finished, Minho came barging in without warning.

"Big day Greenie, sure you don't wanna sit this one out?" He teased and I rolled my eyes stifling a laugh.

"Take care of her." Newt said pressing a light kiss to my forehead.

"Don't worry- She'll be fine." Minho said before running out and I followed right behind him.

Minho kept running until we reached a small room, a wooden table in the center and boxes stacked all over.

"All right- What size shoe are you?" He asked as he walked into a room that connected to the other room which I assumed to be the map room.

"Um... I don't know." I said tugging off my shoes and inspected them to find a number 9 printed on them.

"9" I said and Minho groaned causing me to laugh.

"Giant shucking feet Tide." He said handing me a pair of the shoes.

"Put those on, I'll go get you a bottle." He said before disappearing into the crowded room.

As I finished lacing the shoes Minho appeared and helped (horribly I might add) me get on the rest of the running gear.

"We're running 2 sections today. It shouldn't take to long." He said as we walked towards the walls of the maze which were just opening.

"Let's go!" He yelled before he took off running with me right on his heels.

The maze was amazing. Vines grew on the walls that seemed to reach the skies and the run seemed to never end although it was incredibly fun.

I had never felt as free as I did in the maze.

Minho occasionally made some snarky sarcastic comment about how I ran but I just laughed and ran faster.

Towards the end of the day, we were running back to the maze and I thought about Newt and the baby that was in me.

We rounded the corner which revealed the Glade and the two of us ran faster.

"We're going to go to the map room then you can go see loverboy." He teased and I laughed softly following him to the map room.

"Where are the other runners?" I asked and he shrugged,

"They only had 1 section today so they should have finished by now." He said as he started to map the first section.

"Map the second section, I'll check it once you're done." He said as he continued to draw.

Nodding, I pulled out the notes I took and started to draw. It was fairly easy though once Minho finished with his he was standing over me watching me draw occasionally correcting me on a certain turn or something.

"There-" I handed the map to him and watched as he reviewed it before nodding and putting it with its section.

"You can go run off with loverboy now." He teased, a smirk playing at his lips causing me to laugh and run out of the room looking for Newt.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now