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"Newt I swear I can explain-" I started but was cut off as he took a deep breath attempting to calm himself down.

"All I've been doing' is trying to help ya through this pregnancy and you tell Clint not to tell me that there's something wrong with our buggin' baby?" He asked, clearly mad.

Clint sat there silently as I started to cry. I didn't even notice I was crying until I saw Newt's eyes soften but he didn't move although he noticeably stiffened at the sight.

Of course I had to be crying now of all times. I couldn't have just owned up to what I did and be mad at him. But no, these pregnancy hormones are driving me over the edge and I want this done with.

"I can't take it anymore Newt!" I sobbed looking up at him now bawling my eyes out I was crying so hard. It's now or never.

Might as well get it over with now.

"I can't do anything anymore except act like your little damsel in distress and everyone is driving me crazy and I just want it to be done with Newt!" I cried, now against the familiar feeling of Newt's chest. I guess he had moved to hug me but I hadn't noticed.

"Shhhh... Shhh... Love you're alright, I promise it's almost over. You're going to be just fine." He breathed as sobs continued to wrack through my body.

"Newt I can't take it anymore." I was now clutching his shirt in my hands, my face buried in the rough fabric as he rubbed my back.

"You're going to be alright I promise, ok?Tide think about it, we're going to have a baby together, I promise you I'll be there the whole time." He breathed out soothingly rubbing slow, gentle circles on my back.

"Newt I don't want to do this." I whimpered resting my head against his chest as he nuzzled my hair pulling me so I sat in his lap listening to the steady rhythm of his heart.

"Darlin' you've been doing so good, your 5 months along and the buggin little guy is already kicking', you know what that means?" Newt whispered softly and I looked up at him wrapping my arms around his torso.

"What?" I whispered taking deep breaths now realizing that Clint had left and closed the door behind him, thankfully so no one could hear our moment.

"That means he'll be out soon, he's gonna be outta ya soon and we'll be able to see our lil' baby boy." He grinned rubbing the baby bump soothingly and for the first time, in what seemed like a very long time, I giggled.

The Maze Code: NewtWhere stories live. Discover now