The Twins

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Sitting criss-cross applesauce on the couch, laptop resting on either knees answering emails back and forth just waiting for Wanda to make her appearance. It had been about an hour since I had left her in the bathroom to relax, so I wasn't surprised when I heard the patter of footsteps coming from upstairs. My dry eyes, from staring at my screen for too long without blinking, flick from my laptop to the top of the stairs where I see a very relaxed Wanda making her way down.

"Thank you for the clothes. Even though they are a little big." She takes a seat next to me, so I lean forward to place my laptop on the coffee table giving her my full attention.

"Just a little." I laugh out as I scan her body. She has a pair of my sweatpants on that she has had to roll over a couple of times; and a top that could be classed as a dress on her. "They look better on you anyway."

"Mmm, they are also very comfy." She looks at my laptop, noticing what I was doing. "Please don't let me interrupt your work."

"It's fine. I was just answering some emails, nothing important." She hums in reply, placing her head on my shoulder snuggling closer to me. "Do you want me to take you back home at some point?"

"Unfortunately." She huffs out. "I may not have work, but there is no rest for the wicked."

"Okay, well it's Gabe's day off today so I am going to have to drive you there myself. So no car sex unfortunately for you." She smacks my arm lightly earning a laugh from me.

"Rude, but I think I'm still a bit sore to have a continuation. Not that that's a bad thing." I hum in response leaning forward to send one last email before closing my laptop lid and standing up. Holding out my hand, which she gladly takes, I hoist her up from the couch.

"I'm sorry your sore, I have some magic cream that should relieve it a bit. I will go and get it and then we can get you home." Before she can reply I move to one of the downstairs bathrooms, grabbing the ache and pain relief cream from the medicine cabinet in there. As I make my way back to the living room I see Wanda sat back down on the couch messaging her legs a little. I'm glad she enjoyed last night, but being sore isn't always that fun.

"So all you have to do is take a small squeeze of the stuff and massage it into your legs. It's like an absorbent pain relief thing." She lets out a small thanks as she gets to work rubbing it in.

A comfortable silence fills the room as I get my keys and wallet from the bowl, getting myself ready to take Wanda home. Every now and again I hear her wince as she applies the cream, poor baby. "I didn't mean to be so rough that I hurt you." I apologise, I never like hurting anyone to much with sex.

"There is no need to apologise. I feel amazing, just a little sore. Which, I think, you should be proud of. It takes a lot to make a Sokovian sore." She laughs out as she makes her way over to me, placing the cream on the side. Both her hands come to rest on my cheeks. "I haven't felt this good in such a long time, so please do not apologise."

"Okay, well I'm sorry that I was sorry." She laughs, shaking her head slightly as her arms drop to her side, relaxing. "Now should we get you home princess."

"That would be wonderful."

So I take her hand, leading her back to the lobby, waiting for the elevator. Should I ask if she wants to do this again or if this is a one time thing? I mean I really liked last night and this morning. It felt quite domesticated. Right? It wasn't like a one night stand sort of situation. Oh god I don't know. Breaking me out of my inner turmoil, the bell for the elevator dings and me and Wanda calmly make our way into it. Hitting the button for the parking garage, I let out a small breath trying to stop my mind from wandering.

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