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⚠️ Official Smut warning. There is a daddy kink within this chapter, for those uncomfortable with the kink the beginning and end are marked by ******. Merry fucking Christmas you filthy animal, if you celebrate!!⚠️

I'm woken up by the feeling of kisses being peppered around my face, a hand resting gently above my abs as another weaves through my hair as Wanda's body leans against my left side slightly. I slide my right hand on top of the hand on my abs, and my other one moves to rest against the small of her back. I feel her smile against my jaw, her lips come to rest at the base of it as she rests her head on my collar bone.

My eyes flutter open when I feel her hand slide under my shirt, her fingers start to trace the outline of my abs and V line while her other hand comes to rest against my temple as her fingers play with a fly away hairs. I turn my head in her hand, letting her know I'm awake, and hear Wanda let out a content sigh. She keeps her hand under my shirt as she moves so her face is hovering above mine, a fuzzy smile adorns her face. Wanda brings our noses together gently in an eskimo kiss, her jade eyes roam around my face. 

"Good morning dorogaya." Her hand on my temple moves slightly so her fingers can trace under my eye and around my nose. "How does your face feel?"

"Morning princess." My voice raspy from sleep and I see a glint in Wanda's eyes that makes my cheeks heat up slightly. "And my face is okay. It's not sore anymore, just bruised."

"Hmm, well you are still my super sexy sugar mama." Wanda remarks jokingly as she wiggles her eyebrows. "And I got you to blush without even trying." 

"Oh so I'm a sugar mama now and it's not difficult to make me blush when a literal goddess is complimenting me." Now it's Wanda's turn to blush. "See we can make each other blush without even trying to, it's cute."

"You're cute. And yes I mean sure you are, I think I used the term right anyway." Wanda brings our lips together in a slow kiss. "You'd be even cuter if you brush your teeth." 

"Says you miss 'I want you for dessert'." I bring my hand through Wanda's hair as she rolls her eyes, her blush creeping up to her ears.

"I can't help it. You taste too good not to eat dorogaya." My head tilts back as I let out a laugh, Wanda scrunches her brows in confusion. 

"Bug, you can't say something like that in such a soft tone and add sweetheart on the end. I didn't know whether to be aroused or coo at your cute little voice you do." Wanda nods in understanding, brushing her lips against mine.

"You were definitely meant to be aroused." 

"Well maybe try saying something else and definitely not in that sweet tone of yours. Should work then." Wanda bites her lip before moving her lips to my ear.

"I want you to fuck me till next week, rail me so hard I can't walk for days. I want to lose my voice shouting your name to the gods themselves as you throw me over the edge over and over and over again. I want to do as you say, be your good girl, with you showing me who is boss."

I groan into her ear at her words her leg moves between mine and I smirk when she gasps as I push my thigh against her core. Her hips start to move up and down, my hands snaking down to her hips to help her movements. Her sighs and gasps of pleasure shoot pleasure down to my own core as her hips speed up against my thigh and her nails on my stomach dig in. 

"Baby girl." My hands stop her movements and she whines when I drop my thigh. 

"Baby what was that for." She pouts, moving her head to look at me.

"The boys are still here, I don't want to start anything we know we won't be able to stop. So let's get ourselves sorted, Kate will be around to collect the boys soon anyway. I also thought you wanted to do as I say. And, oh Baby, do I have a lot to say." Wanda's moves to straddle my waist leaning back to sit up straight with dark pupils.

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