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I wake up to the sun peaking through the curtains shining down on the bed that has many blankets laying over the top of it, and Wanda's red hair glows in the light. Her whole body is practically on top of mine once again, after she told me I'm her human hot water bottle. So of course she snuggled as close as she could last night, stealing all my heat away from my body. 

I slowly pick her left arm up that's wrapped around my torso with one hand. The other hand lifts her head gently so I can shuffle my upper body out from underneath her. She grumbles in her sleep as she loses the warmth from my body, and a smile when she stuffs her face into the pillow more. I gently pull my legs from hers, swinging them out of the bed, my feet making contact with the cold wooden floor. 

I hastily make my way to the chest of drawers pulling out some fuzzy socks, sweatpants and a warm hoodie. Both me and Wanda were craving some skin on skin contact so we both wore shorts and t-shirts to bed. God it felt good to have her back in my arms like that, even when it's not anything sexual it feels so intimate.


I shuffle back over to the bed making sure to pull the covers up just how Wanda likes it before heading out of the bedroom and downstairs where I can hear the TV playing softly. I shuffle into the living room expecting to see the boys watching TV but instead it's set to a music channel and they are playing some card game.

"Morning boys." They both turn from their game giving me tired smiles.

"Morning Y/n."

"How long have you two been up?" 

"Maybe about an hour." Tommy shrugs as he looks back to the deck of cards in his hands.

"Have you had any breakfast yet?" 

"No, we were waiting for you and mom." 

"Mhmm, well why don't you help me make pancakes and we can take them up to your mom for breakfast in bed." 

"Sure, can we finish this game first? I have like one more card then I win." Tommy looks from his card to the one facing up in the pile between them, ah they must be playing rummy.

"Sure I will get it all ready and you guys just join me once you've finished."

"Thank you y/n." Billy says as he looks back to his cards.

"No need to thank me. One of you needs to win the bragging rights of the game."

"Yup and that person will be me." Tommy says with confidence as I make my way to the kitchen.

As I was putting the last of the ingredients on the counter I heard one of the twins groaning and the other celebrating. I look through into the living room to see Tommy dancing as he holds a deck of cards in one hand and using the other hand pushes them in the air as they go in every different direction. He looks up to see me and comes skipping into the kitchen with a smug grin plastered on his face.

"Guess this means you won?" 

"Of course I did. I always win." I raise a brow at Tommy's cockiness letting out a small laugh when I see Billy shuffle into the kitchen with a pout.

"Is that so Tommy?" 

"Yup, he always thinks he can beat me but he never has." I hold in a giggle when I see Billy mocking Tommy behind his back.

"Well I guess I am just going to show you what losing feels like." Tommy narrows his eyes at me.

"Is that a threat?" I bend down slightly so I match his height, hands on my knees as I squint my eyes at him.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now