The Friends

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"Dorogoy." Wanda's voice travels up the stairs of the penthouse. We finally made it back here after a very long session of adult activities.

"Yes princess?" I call back as I start making my way downstairs doing up the last few buttons of my shirt rolling the sleeves up neatly past my elbows.

"Could I maybe invite my friends here?" She looks down at her phone screen as her fingers tap the back of the device.

"Of course. It just means some of the wine I've been hoarding will get drunk. I will get a guest code set up for them each, it's just the three of them right?" I wrap my arms around Wanda's waist bringing her close to me, trapping her arms between our chests as she rests her forehead against my shoulder.

"Yeah, just the three of them. What sort of time should they come here?"

"Whenever you want. We can just have a relaxed day if you want. Continue watching stranger things, maybe sit on the chairs on the balcony. It's a nice day for it." 

"Okay well if I tell them to get here for 7, so food will be ready for when they get here and we can just relax and cuddle on the couch. How does that sound?" 

"Sounds good to me princess. Or we can snuggle on the bed and watch the TV in my room, it's slightly more comfortable than the couch." 

"Mhmm, I agree. I like the idea of being a loaf for the day."

"Why don't you go and get some comfy clothes on and I will come and join you on the bed in a second."

"Bring popcorn." Wanda shouts as she scurries up the stairs inpatient as ever.

"Anything for you princess." I shout back, making my way to the kitchen to prepare a bowl of popcorn each.

As I make my way into my room, Wanda is already under the covers sitting against the headboard with a few cushions to relax against with one in her lap resting her arms on it. I look to the TV to see the show up and ready to play, a small smile on my face as I make my way over to the bed. Wanda pulls back the covers grabbing one of the bowels, placing it on the cushion in her lap so I can get comfortable on the bed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't ask if I could just log on to your Netflix and set it up. I should have waited." I sit criss-cross applesauce pulling the covers back over mine and Wanda's legs as I look down at her. 

"It's okay princess, you can use my Netflix anytime you want. Oh that reminds me, I left it logged in on your TV so you can watch it at your place." 

"Thank you. Can the boys use it too?" 

"Of course they can Wanda, that's why it's on there. For you guys to be able to have family film nights so the kids can take a break from whatever kids do nowadays." 

"That's really lovely of you dorogoy. I think I got lucky with my boys, they love their music. They are even a part of the school band. I don't have any instruments at mine but I know their dad has a guitar and drum set at his place." Wanda presses play on the show, as we settle in to continue watching stranger things and have a lazy day.

I don't even notice how much time has passed, until Wanda's phone goes off next to her and her eyes widen. 

"The girls are on their way. They will be here in thirty minutes. Shit I forgot to cook, and I look a state!" Wanda jumps from the bed in a rushed state.

"Princess calm down. Why don't you get washed and ready, and I will get something cooking. Do the girls have any allergies at all?" I move from the bed to stand in front of Wanda placing my hands on her shoulders allowing her to calm down.

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