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Warnings: Smut

My attention is brought away from my phone by a soft groan and the pair of arms that are wrapped around me squeezing me slightly: a smile on my lips as I feel Wanda shift on top of me slightly trapping me even more. Not that I mind. Its also a good thing that the boys are now staying with their friends for another day, because … well … obvious reasons.

After getting back into bed, I changed into some sweatpants not really feeling tired so I also have my phone with me so I can catch up on some emails for work. Wanda demanded I keep my top off though so she could at least have some skin on skin contact while she sleeps. I could never deny her cute little tired pout and baby voice she puts on. 

So that's how we lay now, Wanda practically on top of me with her head resting on my chest. Her hair messy and spreading out in every direction, her legs a tangled mess with mine as her arms are lazilly wrapped around my waist. I wouldn’t change anything for the world though, this is bliss.

I place my phone on the bed next to me, weaving my fingers through Wanda’s soft hair, my other hand gently rubbing her bare back. Wanda hums at the contact as she shuffles up slightly to bury her face in my neck taking a deep breath in before a few gentle kisses are placed on my neck.

“You still sleepy, huh, princess?” Wanda nods against my neck, her soft breath tickling me slightly as her foot rubs my shin, something she does when she is feeling clingy and doesn’t want to move from her spot.

“You tired me out.” I hold in a chuckle, her voice raspy from sleep, choosing instead to kiss the side of her head, my fingers now gently scratching at her scalp.

“I’m sorry, bug.” 

“Don’t be sorry, wasn’t complaining.” Her lips move to the underside of my jaw as she starts kissing at any skin she can. “Just saying that if you gonna make me cum in succession there needs to be a recovery window.”

“Oh yeah, and how long do you suppose you need to rest before I can touch you again?” Wanda hums her lips now against the shell of my ear, her hot breath fanning down my neck.

“How about…” Her lips move across my jaw towards my lips, her hand creeping down my front.

“How about?” I turn my head to look at her, raising my brow and not missing the look of mischief and lust in her eyes.

“How about once you’ve cum…” Her hand slides under the band of my sweat pants and underwear, her index finger ghosting over my clit. “Then maybe you can make me cum again.”

“Oh is that right now huh?” I raise a brow sliding my hands up and down her back, gently dragging my nails across her soft skin. 

“You didn’t get to cum before I passed out, I want to make you cum.” She whispers into my ear her teeth gently nipping at it as her hot breath tickles my neck. “Show you how good I can make you feel.” 

“Show me.” I simply reply and her fingers move down a single digit pushing into my entrance and I groan at the intrusion, Wanda’s lips move down my neck as she leaves a trail of marks along my skin.

“I’ve missed the way you feel around my fingers.” Wanda mumbles against my pulse point as she adds a second finger and my own nails dig into her hips, a small moan passing my lips, my eyes fluttering closed for a second. 

“And I’ve missed feeling you inside me.” I open my eyes, then immediately meet Wanda’s as she leans over me, her lips ghosting mine as I moan against them when she curls her fingers.

“You feel so good, so wet, so ready for me.” Wanda murmurs against my lips as she gently pumps her fingers into me, taking her time and savouring every moment of building me up slowly. 

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