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"Ah, get that shit away from me!" Wanda squeals as she runs away from Billy who is holding up pumpkin guts towards her, an evil smirk on his face as he chases his mom. 

"I'm going to get you." He throws it across the kitchen island with an evil giggle as Wanda uses her arm to stop it hitting her face; the pumpkin guts wrapping around her forearm. 

"That's disgusting." Wanda shakes her arm out in front of her, the pumpkin guts landing on the floor and kitchen counter. 

"Aww is the pretty princess scared of some pumpkin guts." I laugh out ducking my head as I see some coming my way, looking behind me to see it sliding down one of the cupboards. 

"Damn, I missed...Best try again." Wanda pushes her hand into the pumpkin grabbing a fistful of guts before throwing it at me as quickly as she can. 

I try my best to avoid it but my quick movements cause the stool I'm sitting on to slip under me and I fall off sideways. I let out a grunt when I make contact with the hard floor, luckily not hitting my head on the tiles as I land on my side. 

"Man down!" I hear one of the twins shout over the clattering of the stool against the floor.

I roll onto my back, blinking a few times and I see Wanda looking down at me with worried eyes but trying not to laugh. She bends down, her hands swiping away at the pumpkin guts that cover my face and chucking them on the floor next to me. Wanda leans down, giving me a small peck on the forehead as her eyes check me over for injuries.

"You okay dorogaya?" Her hands place some hair behind my ears and I smile when I see the twins heads pop into view also checking on me. 

"I'm okay. Next time I will just take the hit." I let out a huff of air as I laugh and I start to sit up, Wanda's hands on the back of my shoulders helping me up. 

"Did you hit your head?" Tommy's bends down, his head tilting sideways as he looks at me with a small smile on his lips. 

"No, not this time."

"Good I can't be dealing with stitching you up again." Billy mocks as he too crouches down to match my current height. 

"You didn't stitch me up last time, you just…well....fine okay well there will never be a next time." I admit defeat on that one because I mean he is technically right. 

"Good because I don't know where the first aid kit is in this place, which by the way is freaking huge." Billy waves his hands about to try and help prove his point. 

"See I told you boys the penthouse was huge." I feel Wanda slide her arms under my armpits, her hands locking together on my chest as she starts to lift me up. "A little help."

I scoff as Billy and Tommy both grab one of my hands each and start dragging me across the floor. I laugh as Wanda tells them to lift me up from the floor and not across it. Also for those who are wondering, because I know you all are, about why we are in the penthouse. Well the simple answer is it was closer to the airport and with everyone asleep in the car and me finding myself starting to feel tired, I decided it was probably safer to stop sooner rather than later. 

So, with a sleepy Wanda's permission, I brought us all back here where we all fell asleep watching movies on the couch until the late afternoon early evening. I went to the shop down the road to grab some food and candy for us all, and saw that there were a few pumpkins left so I grabbed them as well. 

When I got back Wanda and the boys were still huddled together on the couch, both the boys asleep as Wanda had an arm around the both of them watching the TV. I made my way behind the couch, placed my hands on her shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze which caused her to look up at me with a tired but fuzzy smile.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now