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So here I am sitting on Wanda's couch with my head in my hands, as Wanda prepares our food since I ruined the dinner plans. I think she is getting the pizza out of the freezer, which is definitely not some posh pasta dish but it's still good. Vision was in the wrong, I had a right to say what I said and walk out didn't I? I think I did the right thing. I mean I also did make a scene and I promised myself I wouldn't. God why did he have to say what he did, why couldn't he have just kept his mouth shut. Why couldn't I keep mine shut? I'm a fucking idiot he isn't going to want me around the twins, let alone take them to fucking Canada. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. 

"Y/n." I jump slightly when I feel Wanda’s hand on my back not hearing her make her way over, her voice is soft doing her best in keeping me calm. No doubt she is angry with me or something. I feel Wanda's hand move off of my back, finding a new home on my knee and her other hand comes to rest on my other knee as well. I lift my face out of my hands to look up at Wanda as she bends down to match my height, her attentive eyes on me make my bottom lip quiver and my eyes gloss over.

"I'm sorry Wanda." I bury my face back into my hands as a sob takes over me. "I...I am so, so sorry. I didn't want any of that to happen tonight. I. He. I ruined everything."

"Baby you did absolutely nothing wrong. Vision needs to be the one apologising." Wanda's thumbs rub at my knees, as I lift my head up once again, wiping my eyes with my hands. "You did nothing wrong. You stood up for yourself, and Zak and others. You did good."

"Okay." She gives me a half smile knowing I don't quite believe her but doesn't force her words on me anymore.

"Okay. Well why don't you get changed, the pizzas will be cooking by the time you're back." 

"I love you Wanda." I watch as she melts at my words, her eyes full of love and adoration.

"I love you too Y/n." Wanda leans forward planting a chaste kiss on my lips before standing up. She holds her hands out for me to take and when I do she pulls me up till I'm standing in front of her, and her thumbs start circling over my knuckles.

"I really do love you Y/n Y/m/n Barton." 

"And I really do love you Wanda Django Maximoff." She beams up at me pulling me into an almost feverish kiss. "It will be a late dinner if you continue."

"Yeah, Yeah go get changed." She swats my butt playfully as I start to walk away and I shoot her a small wink as I look back over my shoulder. "Hey! No, that's not funny. Don't think I forgot about the little restroom incident, leaving me high and dry like that." 

"Well from my understanding you were most certainly not dry when I left you." I catch the couch cushion that comes right for my face and then duck the next one as Wanda grumbles to herself. "Aww is my baby girl in need of my attention. I thought last night would have made you want a break." 

"I could never want a break from you." I watch carefully as Wanda bites her lips, her eyes moving up and down my body like she is seeing what is underneath my clothes.

Well she has seen it enough times to have it memorised. But I catch her sneaky little hand going for another couch cushion so it doesn't surprise me when one comes flying toward my head, again. This time I lean to the left, catching it with my right hand before letting it drop to the floor and I smile when I see Wanda's jaw open slightly. 

"Okay not only are you teasing me, but I can't even get you back for it. Are you some sort of ninja with those relaxes?" Wanda huffs out a laugh as I gently toss all the cushions back onto the couch.

"No, just too quick I guess." 

"Whatever you say. But if you don't hurry then there is going to be no pizza to eat and you will go hungry because I will have eaten it all. Shoo go get changed." 

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now