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I wake up to the feeling of Wanda's lips moving across my face as she leaves gentle kisses. Going from my forehead down to my cheek, across my nose then finally down to my lips. I take in the moment not bothering to open up my eyes, but she knows the moment I'm awake when I smile against her lips. I feel her shuffle around, some of her hair tickling my cheek lightly. I almost startle at the feeling of her cold finger coming into contact with my jaw. Her finger dances up my jawline, all the way to my temple where she drags her finger across to my eyebrow. She traces one eyebrow, moving to the next before lightly moving her finger down my nose, booping it at the end. 

Wanda's finger then dances across my left cheek, small patterns being drawn then deciding to dance its way below my chin and up to my other cheek. My eyes remain closed as I feel her finger dance gently across the skin of my cheek before she finally moves it down to my lips. She drags my bottom lips down slightly with her finger releasing it with a pop, then I lose all feeling of her finger on my face before I feel her hand come to rest on my chest.

"I'm so in love with you." Wanda's voice is barely a whisper, but has a smoothness to it that tells me she has been up for a little while. 

"I'm in love with you too Wanda. So much." My eyes remain closed, trying to keep the atmosphere calm but my voice is raspy from having just woken up. 

I hear Wanda hum as she lays her head against my shoulder, her finger that was once dancing along my face now draws small circles around the base of my neck. Wanda's cold hands cause small goosebumps to appear, and I feel her laugh against me.

"Your hands are cold." She simply hums against my shoulder, removing her finger from my skin. Before I can ask questions she lays her whole hand on the base of my neck and I inhale a sharp breath at the coldness. 

"Is that cold baby?"

"Just a little, but it's okay." I wrap my left arm around Wanda's body pulling her closer against me, her legs move to lay over mine. I shiver slightly at the skin on skin contact as we are both in shirts and sleep shorts.

I finally let my eyes flutter open and tilt my head down and to the side, to see Wanda already looking up at me. I cup her left cheek with my right hand, drawing small circles with my thumb and her eyes flutter almost closing at the feeling. A small smile adorns her face and when she looks back up at me through her eyelashes I gasp lightly at the sea of greens that all swim together. 

"I love your eyes." Wanda scrunches her nose in response as she gives me a crooked smile. "I love the plethora of colors that all seem to mix together to make the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen."

"Well your eyes are what one can only describe as magical. They are literally two different colors and I could get lost in them forever." I pull Wanda up slightly to peck her lips a couple of times. 

Instead of moving back down to rest against me. Wanda moves to straddle me, her legs either side of my hips resting her elbows either side of my face as her fingers draw lines up and down my jaw. Her head hangs above me, her bottom lip between her teeth as her eyes scan my face. Her red hair has fallen either side of her face, some of it long enough to come to rest on the bed, other bits tickle at my face. I smile lovingly up at her, my right hand moving to cup her cheek and she leans into the touch.

"Your hands are so warm." She turns her face to kiss the palm of my hand a few times before turning back to look at me with that fuzzy smile that I love so dearly. 

"Well one of us has to be warm otherwise we would both freeze to death in the bed." Wanda let's out a small giggle as she leans her head down to rest her forehead against mine, our noses brushing together. 

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now