The Talk

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(Y/n PoV)

We ended up going back to Wanda's apartment, as it was a little closer to the cemetery then my place. No we did not walk, that would have been a ridiculously long journey in the cold. I ordered an uber, and we just sat in silence the whole journey a small gap between us but our hold of each others hands strong. I was practically an icicle by the time the car arrived, and the driver was kind enough to blast the heat for the whole journey.

My thumb rubs gently over Wanda's knuckles as we walk up the stairs of the apartment building, our fingers intertwined together and Wanda's head resting against my arm. We both know how important this talk is, so we don't want to ruin the small moments just before by interrupting the silence that surrounds us. It's not an awkward silence, it's a comfortable silence as neither of us need to say anything to the other as the action of having our hands together is enough for us to be content.

We come to a stop in front of Wanda's apartment, the wooden door looming over us. The only thing standing in the way of what needs to be done. My eyes move up and down the door, trying to swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. I see movement from the corner of my eye and look to see Wanda's shaky hand moving to unlock the door. I let go of her one hand and move it to hold her other one, steadying it enough to turn the key in the lock. 

The door slowly swings open, the creak from the cold dry wood sends shivers down my spine goosebumps crawling over my skin. Wanda replaces her hand in mine, giving it a small squeeze to pull my attention away from the open doorway. 

"Would you like a drink first?" Wanda's voice is soothing as always, but I can hear the small hint of a tremble. Her mind is working overtime just like mine at this very moment.

"I could use a drink to warm me up. Hot chocolate?" Wanda gives me a smile at my suggestions. 

"Perfect. Why don't you go get some warm clothes on, or at least get yourself a blanket. Your lips are still blue and I'm sure you can't feel your toes and fingers. I will meet you on the couch."

"Okay princess." 

We both walk into her apartment, the cold air creates a stillness that is almost suffocating. If it had not been for Wanda's hand in mine, I'm sure I would have frozen in place on walking through the threshold. Wanda closes and locks the door behind us, her hand never leaving mine, which I truly appreciate. She only let's go when she maneuvers into the kitchen and I head to the bedroom to get out of my cold damp clothes, changing them out for some sweatpants and hoodie.

I grab Wanda's big red fluffy blanket from the end of the bed as I take my leave from the bedroom, my feet on autopilot as they take the rest of my body to the living room. Slumping on the couch, my head in my hands as my elbows come to rest on my knees. I hear the tinkering of cups and spoons in the kitchen where Wanda is preparing are drinks. Not wanting to intrude on the small moment we are both getting before our talk I push myself off the couch so I can wrap the blanket around my back.

Once I'm holding the blanket close around my body, I move to sit back down in the corner of the couch. Bringing my legs up and under me so I sit on them, my back resting in the corner where the back of the couch meets the arm. I pull the blanket tighter against my body, dipping my head down so my mouth and nose are in the small hole at the top breathing hot air into the blanket. It helps a little but not a lot. 

Looking up through my eyelashes I watch as Wanda grabs the two mugs of hot chocolate, delicately walking her way from the kitchen to the living room: being careful not to spill the drinks. I watch as she places one of them on a coaster on the coffee table, then walks closer to me and holds out the other mug towards me. A soft smile tugs at my lips as my hand crawls out of the blanket and carefully grabs the mug. Both my hands wrap around the warm ceramic, a sigh keeping my lips as the feeling starts to return to the numb appendages.

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