You should Hate Me

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"Are you having an affair with my sister!?" My mouth drops open as Yelena looks at me with a slight fury in her eyes, they dart between me and behind me where I can only assume she can see Natasha sitting at the table.

"Uh, wha..." Yelena scoffs, running her hand through her hair as she taps her foot on the wooden decking.

"Are you having an affair with my sister? It isn't a hard question to answer. It's a yes or no answer. So are you having an aff....."

"No. No, I am not having an affair with your sister. Fuck. Fuck Yelena, no!" I say frustrated and Yelena's eyes scan me up and down as she slowly nods.

"Natasha!" Yelena leans through the doorway to shout but doesn't make a move to enter.

"Yelena?" I hear the muffled voice of Nat behind me ask, and turn to look to see her covering her mouth as she leans from her chair to look at the front door, looking surprised to see her sister at my door.

"Yes, it's me, hello I have come to see if you are having an affair with Wanda's girlfriend." Yelena states, causing Natasha to choke on the bite of food she is eating and stumbling up from her chair.

"Wha..." She clears her throat, wiping her mouth with a napkin as she makes her way to the door. "Me and Y/n having an affair? Are you joking? Very funny, now what are you really doing here?"

"Nat I don't think she is." I look at how Nat is smiling like she is in on the joke but when she looks back to her sister's face it drops as she scrunches her brows.

"You seriously think that me and Y/n." She points between the two of us like she can't quite believe her ears, I mean neither can I but she looks like she has been caught doing something wrong with how wide her eyes are. "Ew no Yelena, we would never."

"Ew?" I scoff raising a brow and Natasha rolls her eyes at me.

"Not ew at you ew at the thought we would do something like that. I mean you're hot and funny and definitely my type." Nat rambles and both me and Yelena are now looking at her with raised brows and slightly dropped jaws and Nat seems to realise what she just said. "I have a pair of eyes, I'm not blind and I have self control you know. Even if I did like Y/n, which for your information I don't, I wouldn't dare cross that line because of their relationship. You really think that bad of me?"

"No but I had to make sure. But that's really not why I am here." Yelena looks at me. "I am here to take you home."

"No." I shake my head and Yelena gives me an 'are you serious look' before huffing.


"I don't want to."

"You sound like a whiny child." I huff, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes ignoring the way the two sisters smile at my posture.

"While you two figure this out I am going to go back to my food." Nat simply says before walking away.

"Y/n you disappeared people are worried I just think they should at least see your face." Yelena tries to bargain.

"You've seen me so you can go back and tell them I am fine."

"Are you though?" Yelena's voice is suddenly soft and it throws me a little and I think she can tell by the way I am trying to analyse if she actually cares. "I mean, I know you're not okay, like, at all but will you be okay enough to come home?"

"I..." I sigh, running my hand on my face. "I don't know Yelena, maybe."

"That's good enough for me, so when I leave tonight or tomorrow you will be in the car with me. Now I heard my sister mention food so if you'll excuse me." She leaves no room for argument as her whole act changes as she smiles widely and she seems to bounce on her feet at the thought of food as she pushes past me and into the house.

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