Billy's Discovery

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Wanda is currently sitting on my lap, both of us wrapped in one of Natasha's blankets as we sit in front of the fire that we started not too long ago. Because it's a Friday night and the boys don't have school tomorrow we are letting them stay up a bit later as they are watching a film down in their bedroom for tonight. Wanda is sitting sideways, her legs hanging off of my right one, her head in the crook of my neck and her hands are playing with my rings as I rest them in her lap: with one arm around her back to make sure she is secure. 

I get random kisses on my neck and jaw which make me smile at the woman and melt into her touch more. We are currently listening to a story about how Natasha and her sister went to Budapest, pronounced budapesht from what Natasha tells us, and how it was a complete shit show. Something about their Airbnb being nothing like the pictures and people on bikes chasing cars.

"If you ask me you sound like Russian spies on the run." I interrupt the story telling when Natasha mentions bullet holes in the wall of the Airbnb. 

"What is it with you and thinking I'm a Russian spy?" Natasha takes a sip of her drink slouching back in her chair. 

"I don't know. I mean everyone from Russia are Russian spies or sleeper agents."

"Not all of us, no." She smirks and I laugh.

"Believable." I peck Wanda on the forehead as I lean forward to take a few sips of my beer before returning to my original position.

Wanda grabs my hand that's in her lap and moves it slightly, when I scrunch my eyebrows in question at her she simply lifts the hand to her head. I get the message and weave my hands through her hair, before I start to scratch it. I feel her sigh into my neck and completely relax against my body, sinking further into me and the blanket. Her eyes flutter at the feeling, continuing to listen to the campfire stories people are telling. 

"Y/n why don't you tell us a story." I sit up a little at Yelena's request so I can look at everyone as I tell the story, allowing Wanda to remain in her position.

"What do you want to know about?" I continue to scratch at Wanda's head as I feel her head shift a little so she can listen to my story better. 

"What's the best place in the world you have visited?" Sharon asks as she too wraps herself in a blanket. Even though the fire is creating enough heat to keep us warm the blankets are an added comfort.

"That is easy, well there are two places." I feel Wanda smirk against my neck already knowing one. "So you have Sokovia."

 "You've been to Sokovia?" Natasha sits up more in her seat, becoming slightly more interested at the mention of the country.

"Yeah, many times." 

"Y/n says she goes every few months. She has a promise to keep. How many years has it been since it started baby?" Wanda leaves yet another kiss under my jaw.

"4 years."

"So you started going when you were 18?" 

"Technically since I was 17, I turned 18 the first time I was over there. It would have been 2017." 

"Wow I forget how young you are sometimes." Sharon laughs out as she finishes off her glass of wine pouring herself another one quickly. 

"Are you saying I look old?" I joke.

"Oh, yeah, you do!" Sharon jokes back.

"I mean you're not the first person to think I'm older than I am, I bounce my leg which in turn bounces Wanda so they know I'm on about her.

"Yes but I've already said, the suit, the hair, the make-up and the fact you were drinking fucking whisky made you look so sophisticated and in my mind that made you seem older." She defends herself. 

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