What Are You Up To?

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Any mistakes please blame my tiredness. 


"Carol, get back here!" I holler as I use my hand on the end of the bannister to swing around the corner and propel myself towards my sister.

"You'll never catch me ali....ahh"

I don't let Carol finish her sentence as I manage to catch up with her and tackle her from behind. What I don't think about are the consequences of my actions and how close we both are to the couch as I can't stop our momentum before my legs hit the back of it. Continuing to hold onto Carol, we flip over the back of the couch and I feel my back hit the front edge of the couch before we both tumble to the floor. Carol initially landing on top of me, pushing the air out of my lungs, on instinct my arms let go of her from the sharp pain in my back as I hit the floor.

Carol ends up falling off of me as we both come to a very sudden stop. I can hear laughing in the background but also Carol groaning next me a little but I can also hear the way my lungs struggle to pull in air from being winded. I close my eyes as I try to concentrate on the feelings of my lungs filling with air, making sure I can feel it fill all the corners of my lungs but I sputter from the sharp pain as I do so.

"Shit." Is all I hear as I roll over slowly pulling myself onto my hands and knees as I blink rapidly when I see stars in my vision.

"Y/n you good?" I feel a hand on my back at the sound of Yelena's voice and all I can do in return is groan in pain.

"Sit up for me." I feel hands on my shoulders slowly pulling me back to sit on my calves as I open my eyes, sighing in relief when I don't see stars but a worried looking Nat in front of me.

"I'm okay, just super winded is all." The strain in my voice is evident as my lungs finally decide they want to start working again.

"That was a dumb idea." I breathe out, earning a small chuckle of relief from the girls around me.

"Ya think!" I look down at Carol who has her arm over her forehead as she just lays there letting herself recover from the fall too.

"You two good. I really don't want to be the one to tell your family you both ended up in hospital because you were acting like children."

"I'm good. Just re-learning how to breathe air into my lungs." I huff out as I lean against the couch, my left arm on the couch cushion and my other hand skimming over my ribs to make sure I didn't break any of them.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good too. Just accounting for all my ribs and bones making sure none of them are broken." I lean down poking her in the side and when she glares at me swatting my hand away I huff out a laugh.

"You're fine." Carol flips me off as I climb to sit on the couch leaning all the way back and letting myself sink into it as much as possible.

"So you're both good?" Me and Carol both hum out a yes as Carol finally pulls herself up from the floor joining me on the couch and giving me a nudge with her shoulder.

"You really have to tackle me like that?"




"Is that all you have to say?"


"Or are your lungs still burning and that is all you can say?"

"Mhmm yup." Carol leans back and lets herself sink into the couch as Yelena and Nat both look at us amused.

"So is this a common occurrence of sibling rivalry?" Nat asks as she picks up her wine glass, taking a sip and looking between me and Carol over the rim.

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