What If They Leave?

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Thursday 11th November 2021

(Readers PoV)

I'm leaning against the kitchen counter, with Wanda's back pressed to my front as she leans against me, my arms wrapped around her with my hands on her stomach. One of her hands is gently holding onto my forearm while the other is resting on top of my hands, her fingers tracing around my knuckles and veins. Both of us are listening to Natasha tell a story, she and Yelena are sitting on the other side of the kitchen counter both of them with a glass of wine in front of them.

"So I was like,'' Bam, did I step on your moment "." You and Wanda chuckle softly as Yelena gasps looking between the three of you.

"You did not!" Yelena's jaw drops as me and Wanda nod silently telling her that Natasha did very much interrupt a soft moment like that.

"Hey Y/n there's two weird looking children at the door. Should I open it and let them in?" Kate's voice travels down the hallway and it takes me a second to realise what she is on about.

"Oh yeah, they are free to come and go as they please." We all listen as the front door opens and closes, before the loud sound of feet running towards us makes us all look to the entrance to the kitchen laughing as we watch the twins slide along the floor catching themselves on the counter.

"Mama! Y/n!" I smile as both boys drop their bags on the floor running over to me and Wanda engulfing us both in a hug and squeezing us.

"I thought we were heading back home today but then Gabe dropped us off here." Billy says as he pushes himself under my arm on Wanda's right side while Tommy leans his front against Wanda's, his chin on her chest as he looks up at her.

"Well we were going to go home yesterday, but we ended up falling asleep and Y/n was going to come around on the weekend anyway so we decided that it would simply be easier to stay here either through the weekend or we go to ours tomorrow." Wanda explains as her hands move to weave through Tommy's hair the boys grin and big doe eyes make my heart swell.

"Well it just means more family time so I'm cool with that." I raise my brow at Tommy's cheekiness.

"Oh you're cool with that, huh?" He giggles nodding his head wrapping his arms around Wanda and snuggling into her more.

"Hey, have you got room for another person to join you for dinner?" We all look over to a very timid looking Karen, me and Wanda sharing a look when we see her red eyes and the shake in her voice.

"Of course the more the merrier." I gently push Wanda off of me and make my way over to Karen wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into a hug, when I feel her shoulders start to shake and her arms wrap around me I gently lead her out of the kitchen and into the small back garden; closing the door behind me. "What's happened?"

"A lot. So fucking much, its just a mess." She pulls away from the hug wiping her eyes, looking up to the small tree in the garden, her back facing me and the doors.

"Is it Vision? Do we need to hide a body?" Karen laughs, shaking her head a little.

"Yeah, if I can even find the man."

I scrunch my brows walking over to her, not doing anything but standing next to her looking at the tree with her letting a silence fall over us.

"He cheated." She says after another beat of silence and I feel the anger build up inside me but when I turn to her I see how vulnerable she is in the moment as her teary look up at me, so instead of voicing my frustrations I open my arms and she falls into the embrace easily.

"I don't get it." Karen slightly wiggles out of the embrace looking up at me with furrowed brows.

"What's not to get? He cheated." I smile softly, shaking my head.

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