Pet Names

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I stirred from my sleep to the sound of movement outside of the door and light whispering, looking to my right I see the bedside clock read 7.00am, the boys must just be getting up. I reach over to turn the alarm off so it won't go off in a few minutes time, and wiggle my way out from beneath Wanda putting a pillow in my place so she doesn't wake up. I make my way towards the door stopping my movements when I hear Wanda moving about, looking over my shoulder I see her wrapping her arms around the pillow and pulling it closer to her body. I open the door slowly, trying to stop it from creaking, stepping out of the room before shutting it again. 

I make my way into the kitchen and am met by two very tired looking teenage boys, I smile at the site as I put a pot of coffee on. I grab a pan from the cupboard, placing it on the hob, also grabbing out the pancake mix and holding it up in silent question to the boys. They nod their heads at me, taking a seat at the table while they wait for me to cook them breakfast. I try to be as quiet as I can when moving around the kitchen, so as to not wake Wanda. Once I've started heating up the pancake mix I put it on a low heat so I can make some drinks without burning the apartment down.

"What would you boys like to drink?" I ask as I pour myself a black coffee knowing I'm going to need to be awake today.

"I will just have orange juice please Y/n." Tommy asks, lifting his head to look up at me instead of his phone.

"Same for me please." Billy continues to surf through his phone as I pour them out a glass each and place them on the coasters in front of them, receiving a thank you from boys. 

I head back to check on the pancake, not showing off, I flip it normally to see it is the perfect amount of cooked on that one side, so I put it back on the hob so the other side can cook too. We love an evenly cooked pancake. Once I hear it sizzling a bit, I flip it back over to check if it's cooked and when I decide it is, I transfer the pancake to a plate and put more pancake mix in the pan. I grab the plate, taking it to the table, placing it in front of Billy who immediately shuts off his phone and looks up at me with a smile.

"Thank you Y/n." 

"No problem Billy. Do you want any syrups or sauces, or just anything else with it?" Not knowing how he likes his pancakes like I know how Wanda likes them.

"Just plain syrup for me please." 

I nod, making my way back into the kitchen flipping over the pancake in the pan before grabbing the syrup from the cupboard and moving to place it on the table. I grab my coffee and put it on one of the coasters for where I am going to sit, heading back into the kitchen to plate up Tommy's pancake for him.

"Anything else you want with it?"

"I'm good with just syrup. Thank you, this smells delicious."

"No problem. You two eat up, and just leave the dishes in the sink. I will do them once I've finished eating." I head back into the kitchen to make my own pancake, while the boys eat theirs. There is enough pancake mix to make Wanda one when she wakes up, so I cover it over to make sure nothing can get in it. As I'm flipping my pancake over Billy enters the kitchen putting his dishes in the sink, turning to look at me.

"Thank you for the pancake Y/n, it was really good." 

"It's no problem at all Billy." He makes his way out of the kitchen and down the hallway to get himself ready for school.

By the time I have made my pancake Tommy has finished his food, but stays sat at the table as he waits for me to join. I sit down taking a sip of my coffee enjoying the strong taste of it this early in the morning. I notice Tommy slowly sipping at his orange juice, as I start to eat so before I take a bite I turn to look at him.

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