Frozen Peas

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I knock on Wanda's apartment door with the toes of my right shoe, my left hand occupied with carrying 3 tubs of ice cream. I can no longer feel my arm. My right hand is stuffed into my pants pockets to hide the nice new bruise that is covering my thumb and half my hand. My black eye is now just a small green mark, a nice faded bruise, which is barely noticeable. 

The door creaks open and the first thing I see is Wanda's face, a huge welcoming smile plastered on her face. She moves out the way to allow me inside and takes the tubs of ice cream, moving into the kitchen to put it into the freezer.

"While you're in the freezer, do you maybe have an ice pack or like frozen peas at all?" I ask Wamda timidly as I make my way to the kitchen counter. 

"Uh, yeah I do. Why?" Her head pops up from behind the counter from where she was bent down in the freezer draw.

I slowly pull my bruised hand out of my pocket, placing it gently on the counter, getting some relief from the cold counter against the pain in my hand. 

'Maybe some painkillers and a first aid kit also?" I give her a timid smile as her eyebrows almost touch in worry as they furrow. 

"What happened this time?" She bends back down to the freezer draw, reappearing quickly with a bag of peas.

Wanda wraps it in a kitchen towel to make sure the hard cold of the peas can't damage my hand further, gently placing it on the affected area. I let out a small sigh at the instant relief the cold brings, I lean my other arm on the counter curling it so my left hand can hold the peas in place. I place my head in the bend of my left elbow hiding my face from Wanda, embarrassed about the whole situation. I mumble into my arm, knowing for a fact Wanda won't hear me. 

Before I know it there is a gentle touch on my face, that causes a shiver to go down my spine, her hand resting ever so lightly on my cheek. She gently tugs my head out of my arm, a kind smile on her face. I lean into her touch, turning my head to plant a small kiss on Wanda's palm. I see movement out of the corner of my eye and wince slightly when I feel the peas being removed and placing her free hand on top of my. She turns our hands so hers is resting on the counter and the back of mine is resting in her palm, as she assesses the damage I've done. 

"What happened?" It comes across caring but stern, like she is scolding one of her children. I shrug my shoulders dismissively. "I can't help you y/n if you don't tell me what happened."

I let out a huff as I look up at her, my eyes meeting hers, I know I have a thousand emotions swirling around mine but the only one I can see in Wanda's is pure concern. She cares. 

"I dislocated my thumb, but it's okay because I just popped it back in place straight after." Wanda's eyes widen slightly as she looks back down at my hand stroking my thumb gently but keeping away from the knuckle.

"Follow me." She doesn't let go of my hand as she makes her way to my side of the counter dragging me down the hallway. She opens the door on the left, gently pulling me into the room. 

I look around the room taking it all in quietly. I don't even notice Wanda let go of my hand and disappear into another room as I look around. There are a few chest of drawers with family photos and jewellery decorating them, a smile at the extensive ring collection. I follow the room around to the right where there is a large king size bed, with plain white sheets and covers but there is a large folded red blanket at the edge of the bed. Next to the bed are two bedside tables, on one of them is a picture of Wanda and the twins but they are babies in this picture. I also notice that Wanda has brunette hair and looked to be going through an emo faze. Hot. 

"Sit." I turn to see Wanda pointing to the edge of the bed with a first aid box in her hand. 

I followed her instructions, placing myself gently on the bed trying not to disturb the neatness of it. She makes her way in front of me bending down so she is kneeling on the floor. Wanda places the first aid box on the bed to my right, opening it up and grabbing some things out of it. I'm not really concentrating on what she is doing but more on her. I watch as she sticks her tongue out slightly in concentration when she starts to rub some form of cream on my hand so gently I hardly feel it. I watch the way her lips move as she speaks to me telling me everything she is doing, not that I'm really listening too lost in just watching her. 

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