First Time

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⚠️Smut Warning for This Chapter⚠️

"Yours...please." I wrap my arm around her waist securely, so we don't lose one another in the crowd, guiding her out of the club towards my car that is waiting for me. I open the door for Wanda who raises one of her eyebrows, seemingly impressed by the fact she is getting into a Rolls Royce limousine. I climb in after her and tap the divider between the front and back, I see my driver with a knowing smirk on his face as the small window rolls down.

"Back to mine please Gabe, take the scenic route."

"Of course ma'am." The window rolls back up. Turning to Wanda I see her looking around the interior as we drive off.

"This is yours?" She looks up to the roof of the car as small lights sparkle making it look like the night sky.

"All mine." A whisper out as I make my way to sit next to her, resting my hand on her thigh gently rubbing my thumb along the inside.

"You keep doing that and I'm going to make a mess in this beautiful car of yours." I turn to look at her, my hand moving up closer to her core before I start rubbing my thumb just below her underwear line, my eyes staring right into her eyes.

I lean my face towards her, my lips ghosting hers as I whisper "Good thing I can afford to get the best valet then."

With that she smashes her lips against mine, swinging one of legs over mine so she is straddling my lap both her hands holding onto my cheeks as mine hold onto her waist. I bite her bottom lip causing her to gasp, allowing me to slip my tongue in her mouth. She moans at the action as my tongue explores her mouth, her hips shift against mine as her hands slide down to hold onto the back of my neck, her fingers playing with the baby hairs.

I push my right leg up slightly so my thigh comes into contact with her core, as she moans into my mouth. I move my mouth down from her lips to along her jaw, then to just under her ear where I start nipping trying to find her soft spot. Another gasp. Found it. I smirk as I bite it a little harder and sooth it with my tongue, her core grinding against my thigh as she becomes more riled up by my actions. I slide one hand down her leg to reach the hem of the dress, moving my hand under it and slowly move it back up. I stop to move my face in front of her so her eyes can meet mine.

"Do you want me to keep going?" Consent people, basic human decency.

"Yes...please do...but...I...uhm...I..." She bites her lip slightly and tries to hide her face behind her hair as she bows her head, obviously trying to hide some nerves. The thigh grinding comes to a halt as she tries to figure out her words.

"What is it Wanda? No need to be nervous." She takes a breath looking back up to me, a shy smile on her face, a small blush on her cheeks.

"I've never been with another woman." She lets out a small huff bowing her head again.

"Hey, hey." I use my finger to lift her chin so she can look back up to me. "There is no need to hide that pretty face of yours. It is perfectly fine to be nervous especially when it is something you haven't done before. So how about tonight is all about you. Let me look after your princess. Let me give you the best night ever. But we need a safe word."

"A safe word?" She questions.

"Yeah so if you feel uncomfortable with anything or want to stop. I will immediately stop, I won't be angry or disappointed or anything like that. You say the word and I stop." I watch as she consumes the information, the gears in her head turning.

"I've never had a safe word before. What do you think it should be?" She mumbles the first part.

"Let's make it something simple. Like red. Yeah red. So you say red and everything stops, okay?" She nods, taking her bottom lip between her teeth as her hips slowly start moving on my thigh again. "See now you have a safe word."

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