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TW: Panic attack

Friday 19th

(Readers PoV)

"Dorogaya." Wanda's raspy voice makes its way into my ears as she softly kisses along my jaw to below my ear. "Nap time is over baby, we have people coming over soon. Time to get up."

"Five more minutes princess." I mumble rolling over with my arms around Wanda so I end up laying partially on top of her with my head tucked into her neck, my breath tickling her skin.

"Baby, we said five minutes 30 minutes ago and look, we are still in the same place." I chuckle with a groan, my hold on Wanda tightening as she tries to wiggle out of it.

"Princess, nooooo." I whine into her neck, my hands pushing between her and the bed grabbing at her shirt to make her stay.

"Baby as much as I love cuddling you and you know I would love to stay like this we have to get up."

"I don't wanna go." I pout against Wanda's neck as I feel her head turn to look at me, her finger tilting my head by my chin so I am looking up at her; her brows furrowed as her eyes search mine.

"Baby what's going on?" I pout shrugging. "Someone having an emotions day?"

Hmm a little, I just want to be held." Wanda smiles softly kissing my forehead and my eyes flutter shut as she moves them around my face softly and slowly.

"Why don't we see how you feel once the girls are over? We can hang with them and have a few glasses of wine but if you really don't want to go out we don't have to."

"But I don't want to make you stay home when you want to go out." I furrow my brows knowing that I will feel bad if Wanda stays behind because of me.

"And I'm not going to let you stay here by yourself when you're feeling like this. So if you don't want to go, we don't go. There will be other times that we can go out with the girls. But if you end up wanting to go then we will go."

"I'm just being silly of course we will go." I put my head back down into Wanda's neck, her hand moving to cup my jaw as she kisses the top of my head a few times.

"You've had a busy week at work baby, if you are drained and burnt out then do not force yourself to go to something that is going to make yourself feel worse. Okay?" I hum into her neck not really liking the idea of forcing her to stay home with me if I feel like it. "Okay baby? You're not being a burden by needing a night in because you're burnt out."

"Can we see how I feel later? I just want five more minutes." I mumble tiredly already feeling my eyes closing back up, even though I've been napping since I got back from work just over an hour ago.

"5 more minutes." It's the last thing I hear as well as feeling the softest of kisses on my hairline.

It must have been the best 5 minute nap I've ever had because when I'm woken up by the gentle kisses on the side of my face and soft voice in my ears it's the only reason I know where I am. I feel like I could have woken up in a different dimension. You know those types of naps? When you wake up with lines imprinted on your body from your blanket or clothes, your hair is a complete mess and your brain is all fuzzy and nothing makes sense within the first 5 minutes. Yeah that's the sort of nap I've just had.

"Wakey wakey dorogaya, the girls are here." Wait what.

"Huh? What's the time?" I stretch my arms and legs out as far as they go, groaning as they shake a little and I feel my back muscles release all the tension they are holding, scrunching my eyes closed to keep the light of the room from blinding me.

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