Hear, Listen, Take it in.

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I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I know Wanda is gently shaking me awake; and I am met by the most beautiful smile and green eyes. Our position on the bed also swapped around at some point, I am now laying on my side with my head on Wanda's chest as her hand plays with my hair. I look up at Wanda with confusion at the change in position.

"You kept moving about in your sleep dorogoy, so I moved us around so I could hold you better. It seemed to help you sleep peacefully." Her hand continues to smooth out my hair as her voice is soft like music to my ears.

"Well even though I prefer to be the big spoon, this is a nice sight to wake up to. And you're very comfortable. Thank you princess." 

"You don't have to thank me baby, I love you and I love taking care of you." I tilt my head back so I am looking directly in her eyes.

"No I do. I have a lot to thank you for. Especially for not running away when you found out the truth." I remember how mad and upset she got and it hurts me to know I caused it.

"Well we are past that now. I Know the truth so please don't allow what happened to hurt you. It was all one big misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding is an understatement." I hear Wanda huff out a laugh. "Do you forgive me?" Wanda's brows furrow in confusion. 

"Baby you have done nothing that needs my forgiveness, but if it will help put your mind at rest then yes I forgive you for it all." She leans down to kiss my forehead.

"I love you so much. Thank you for staying." 

"There's nowhere else I would rather be." I look at the clock and realise the time.

"Wait, where are the twins?"

"Sharon and Yelena picked them up. Taking them bowling or something." I pout at the thought of Wanda not being with her boys.

"I'm sorry." 

"What are you saying sorry for? You've done nothing wrong." 

"I caused you hurt when you thought I was married. Then I caused you panic when I had flashbacks and now I am taking you away from time you could be spending with your boys." 

Wanda moves from beneath me and I almost whine at the loss of contact. I was comfortable. She presses the button that makes the head of the bed fold up to a sitting position and she pushes herself back against it sitting criss-cross applesauce. She looks down at me patting the space in front of her, following her silent instruction I move myself so I am sat in front of her. My hands in my lap, as my fingers of one hand pull at the fingers of my other hand.

"Dorogoy, I need you to look at me when I say this. I need you to hear it, listen to it, take it in. I need you to hear what I'm about to say. So please can you look at me, just one more time?" 

I let out a shaky breath as I move my head upwards so I can look into her eyes, a small smile graces her lips, her nose scrunching and I fawn over the sight. Her hands move into mine, grabbing onto them and placing them on my calves as she holds them.

"Everything you just apologised for you have no control over. Now before you say 'I could have told you about Sarah' no, no you couldn't. And that's because your brain was conditioned not to by her, and your brain and your body still react to things in  a way because of her. So not telling me you were married is more her fault than anyone else's. Your flashbacks are completely and utterly out of anyone's control. I know that you have therapy for a reason, and that it has probably helped but baby PTSD will always be with you. Now I want to learn what I can do to make sure I don't trigger you into an episode like today. I want to be able to look after you and care for you but I also need to know how to not put you in a situation where you need to be cared for and to be looked after. If that makes any sense at all. Finally, I chose not to pick the boys up. They are 14 years old, and very very smart. Sometimes too smart for their own good. I didn't tell them what happened or anything like that, I just said I have to be with you right now and all they said in return was 'go be with her'. That was a decision we made together for you. So please, and hear me when I say this. Please stop apologising for things that you cannot control. I know you felt guilty but you have to find a way to let it go because I am not mad, or angry or frustrated with you. I love you so fucking much Y/n, you hear me, so much. So please stop apologising."

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