Happy Thanksgiving

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Thursday 25th November 2021 (Thanksgiving)

"How is it going in here my love?" I ask softly, standing behind Wanda wrapping my arms around her front as she stands in front of the sink washing up some of her dishes.

"It's going okay, it's all about timing so it can be a little stressful to make sure that things don't burn or it's all cooked enough. I don't want to give anyone food poisoning today. No thank you." Wanda relaxes back against me, one of her bubble covered hands moving to rest on top of mine, her other one holding onto the edge of the sink.

"Is there anything I can do to help you out?" Wanda tilts her head to look up at me with a soft smile.

"No," She whispers softly with a small smile, "It is all just cooking away and I have enough trust in the oven to not ruin it for now."

"Well then come join me and the others that are here already in the living room." I pull her gently away from the sink, her arms falling to her sides as she turns around to rest her head against my chest.

"Who is here, so far?" she mumbles.

"I think we are just waiting for your parents to turn up, everyone else is in the living room. Well, actually, the children are hanging about in the basement and us adults are conversing in the living room."

"Hmm well I need to sit down so I think I will be joining the adults." Wanda breathes out, moving away from me slightly to grab the hand towel to dry her hands.

"Well they have been waiting to see you and I told them what you told me to say. Wanda will come say hello once the food is all in the oven, and if you could respectfully not go into the kitchen because the boss woman said so." Wanda raises a brow with a chuckle.

"You did not call me boss woman?"

"Oh but I did." I say with a shit eating grin. "Hey you were the one who threatened me with a fucking knife this morning telling me I was damaging to your cooking vibes or mood or something like that. I can't remember as I was trying to avoid being stabbed."

"Firstly, I did not threaten you with the knife, I simply used it to make a point."

"Yeah by holding the pointy end towards me."

"Secondly I was like 6ft away, now unless the knife was an old knight's joust you wouldn't have been close enough to get stabbed. Lastly, I told you not to break me out of my cooking trance, no distractions." I hum with a small smirk as I pull Wanda against me and her hands land on my chest before she looks up at me biting her lip. "And we all know how good you are at ... distracting."

"Oh I know, if I remember correctly I was very distracting just last night, and this morning. What was it you were chanting in my ear as I watched you bouncing in my lap riding my cock." Wanda's breath gets stuck in her throat at the memory as I gently trap her between the kitchen counter and me leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Tell me baby can you remember what you were saying or was your brain so mushy from all those orgasms that you can only remember the way I feel inside you."

"Baby." She whispers out, turning her head as she blushes.

"That's not the name I remember you using." I use my finger to turn her chin so she is looking back at me with a smug smile pulling at the corner of my lips as I brush mine over hers. "I think it went something like, I want you to fuck me until I break. Need you to break me, oh daddy please break me."

"Y/n, I ..." Wanda swallows harshly, putting her hands to my chest to push me away slightly and I grin at the darkened blush around her face and neck. "Not here."

"Why not?" I challenge sliding my right hand down the front of her dress, slipping my hand under it to trail my fingers up and down her thigh.

"Because there are other people in th-oh fuck." Her sentence is cut off by a low moan as my hand moves to cup her core and I can't help but let out a low moan myself.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now