Hela's Kitchen

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So it's now Saturday, yes it's been a week since girls night. For the most part my week has been made up of going to Wanda's or her coming to mine after work, as both our work schedules were a lot lighter than the week before. It's been nice to be able to have meals every night with someone, sharing the bed with them and then waking up to kisses all over my face. Which, I now realise, is something Wanda loves to do and it makes me smile everytime I open my eyes to her gorgeous, shiny green eyes and that toothy grin.

I feel like I'm ready for the next step, crazy. I know we have known each other for just over 2 weeks but...I don't know. There is just something about her that pulls me in, she has been worming her way into my life since day one and even though we are still getting to know one another I want to give this thing a chance. Like a real chance. I just hope Wanda feels the same.

"Dorogoy, you okay over there? I can practically see the steam leaving your ears at how hard you're thinking?" Wanda brings her hand to rest on top of mine as we both drink our coffee and eat our pastries. We decided to come back to Second Asgard, as it's a beautiful day out and we wanted to explore New York a little together. I'm thinking of taking us to Brooklyn Bridge and then maybe the park next to it, for a beautiful evening. I am going to take her to a nice restaurant where the prices are a little steep but not ridiculous. I think I'm ready to be more than what we are at the moment, but I am going to wait for her to make that move. I don't want to rush her or make her uncomfortable, I am completely willing to go at her speed. Her pace.

"Sorry, just lost in thought about what else we could do today. What would you say if I drove us to Brooklyn and we did some sightseeing and enjoyed an evening stroll in the park?"

"I would say let's go!" I laugh out as she finished off her coffee, quickly wrapping her pastry in a napkin so she can eat it in the car on the way there.

"You go get in the car, I will pay for this and before you argue you paid last time." I give her a pointed look and she shrugs her shoulders as she stands from her chair.

"Wasn't going to argue anyway." She cheekily replies before kissing my cheek and making her way to the car.

"She looks happy." I turn my head to see the blonde man smiling up at me. "You're good for her y/n, as she is good for you. But don't hurt her."

"I won't Thor, not on purpose. But I've I do hurt her I will pass you the gun."

"That's what I like to hear. Now don't keep a lady waiting." I smile at him as I give him cash for the food. As he is handing me change his brother walks in.

"My brother is right darling. I haven't seen her this happy in a very long time, the same goes for you. While we have you alone I just want to apologise for my actions all those years ago. I should have never blamed you, it wasn't your fault in any way shape or form. I just had so much anger in me when I heard the news and to see you laying in that hospital bed alive. I should have never said what I said." I swallow the lump in my throat. I don't think I've ever heard Loki apologise and definitely not this sincerely.

"Did Thor tell you off after last week?" I let out a small laugh, as does Loki

"Maybe. But I mean it, my words are unforgivable."

"Thank you Loki. It means a lot to hear you say it and as for forgiveness you are forgiven because even though your words killed me I've come to terms with what you said and know they were wrong. As for our friendship you're going to have to earn that back, but I'm really looking forward to having you in my life again."

"Can I hug you?" Loki asks timidly. I give him a soft smile and silently make my way over to him wrapping my arms around his shoulders bringing his body closer to mine. His arms wrap around my torso and I feel him grip onto the back of my shirt like his life depends on it. I feel his shoulders shudder slightly and I know that he is crying.

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