To Understand Someone

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⚠️Mentions of abuse and attempted rape.⚠️

"Uh, yes but I don't use it often." I don't know what else to say, I mean I do own a private jet but the local hospitals use it more for organ transportation as I give it to them pro bono.

"Wait, no forget the jet. Back track. You were homeless?" 

Wait did I say that? I think back to my little pep talk to Wanda and realise I definitely did say that, I didn't even realise I had said it. This was meant to be about making her comfortable with my lifestyle and I just had to go and drop that fucking part of my past didn't I. Well done me. Give yourself a pat on the back. Fucking stupid. 

I look at Wanda, her brows furrowed as I remain quiet. Letting out a small sigh, I move back to sit in my chair, placing my hands on the table that Wanda reaches over to grab, pulling them closer to her. She doesn't push for an answer, she is just sat there waiting patiently. 

"I told you about how the Barton family adopted me right?"

"Yeah, your maiden name is Danvers." 

"Okay." I take a breath before continuing. "So Carol is 13 years older than me and when I was 7 she decided she had had enough of working in the local corner shop. She went off to the air force to start basic training, she moved into the barracks and everything: hardly coming home for holidays. The first year was difficult on us all, I mean we would phone her once a week and that but she kept saying she finally escaped and wasn't coming back. Not that I knew what that meant at that point. I think the day after my 8th birthday was the first time my dad hit me, my mom came to my defence but he simply hit her too. I thought nothing of it at first, but I can't for the life of me remember what I did to deserve it. Anyway, jump ahead to the age of 12 me and my mom were still trapped in this abusive household going around and around in circles. I'm sorry I didn't mean it, let me make it up to you. That was his favourite lie to tell. At this point I had decided enough was enough, and one night I packed a small bag. I had enough clothes to last me for maybe a few days, my sleeping bag and a few snacks that I took from my dad's collection in the cabinet. I ran. I didn't stop running until my feet were blistered and bleeding, I ended up in some park somewhere and decided that the bench would be the best place for me to sleep. I got lucky within the first week, and found a small community of homeless people living under a bridge. One of the ladies there took me under her wing and showed me how to survive on the streets, she even had to explain what a period was because when I woke up screaming that I was gonna die. Well let's just say I didn't live that moment down, looking back on it now still makes me laugh."

I bow my head, trying to gather my thoughts. Wanda doesn't say anything, she just squeezes my hand to let me know she is still listening. I let go of one of her hands, grabbing my now lukewarm coffee and drinking it in one. I'm going to need the caffeine boost after this. A put the empty mug back down, reconnecting our hands again before I look back up at Wanda. Her eyes are watery, I can't tell if it's from my story or how we are both opening up about our pasts, but a soft and kind smile plays on her lips. It gives me the reassurance and confidence I need to continue. 

"I was with the group for 1 year, I wasn't even the youngest there. One of the ladies was pregnant when she joined our camp, heavily pregnant. I was still 12 at the time. Once her little baby boy was born we all did our part to make sure they were okay and he would survive. This meant anything from stealing from shops, to get diapers or formula. It meant longer hours on the streets just asking for spare change. We didn't let her on the streets because it was too dangerous for her and a newborn, so she stayed at the camp where we could protect her. I came across this place, a charity that helps out the homeless. Instead of going in there asking for help for me, I asked them to help the mother and child. So they did. She lives in a one bed apartment somewhere, her child is now 10 and is so fucking smart. Then I hit 13 and we had just welcomed a new member, some bloke who had nowhere to go after his mother kicked him out when she found drugs in his room."

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