I Can't Be Here

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I wake up to the feeling of kisses being planted all over my face, smiling as the kisses move to my lips. I feel Wanda smile against my lips before she presses her head into the crook of my neck, her hand moves to draw patterns on my bare chest as she takes a deep breath in. Her whole body is on top of mine, both of us enjoying the skin on skin contact as we are both still very naked from our adventures last night. I move my left hand up to her hair and start scratching at her scalp, as her face pushes further into my neck where she starts leaving small pecks. When I feel her take in another deep breath, I turn my head to look down at her as she tilts hers to look up at me.

"Do I smell nice?" I giggle as Wanda hums out a yes. "Are you hungry princess?"

"Mhmm. I could eat a whole elephant." She giggles against my neck, and I smile at the sound.

"Well I don't have an elephant but we do have pancake mix and your favourite berries to go with it. How does that sound?"

"Sounds lovely. But in like 5 minutes I'm comfortable, and you're warm." I peck her forehead, making her smile against my neck.

"Okay princess, 5 more minutes." I close my eyes as I feel Wanda's body relax against mine, enjoying the feeling of her bare skin on mine.

When I feel Wanda's breathing even out, letting me know she has fallen back asleep, I carefully remove her body from on top of mine so I can get out of bed and make a start on breakfast for us: well lunch since it's 2pm. I manage to make it out of bed, throwing a clean top and underwear on, before sneaking out of her room to head to the kitchen. I am so glad the boy's are not here this weekend, so we can just lounge around and not have to worry about cooking or entertaining them.

It doesn't take me too long to make the pancakes and coffee, which are all now loaded onto a tray as I head back to Wanda's room using my elbow to push the handle down so I can get in. As the door opens my eyes look at Wanda who is surprisingly awake and already looking at me, a tired smile on her face as she raises her arms above her head stretching. Her arms shake slightly, an odd noise leaves her mouth as she stretches, her hands join together and push upwards more and I hear a few of her fingers click. Now that is what you call a good stretch.

"Good morning princess. Glad to see you're awake, again." Her arms flop down next to her outside of the duvet, pushing her body up so she is sat against the headboard.

"Good morning dorogoy. They smell good." I place the tray on Wanda's lap as she crosses her legs and I make my way back into the bed. Once I am settled I take the tray back that makes Wanda pout at me but I give her a few quick kisses that seem to make it disappear.

"I don't want you spilling food on yourself while you're still naked, even though the view is completely worth it. So grab a shirt or something just in case." She hums as she gets up, and I lean to playfully smack her butt which makes her squeal and shoot me a glare.

"What do you want to do today baby?" Wanda asks with her bare back still facing me as she searches her draws for a shirt.

"How about we go on a nice walk around central park? Or because it's a bit colder we can head to the History Museum in Manhattan?" Wanda turns around with her shirt in hand, my eyes drop to her bare chest but quickly flick back to her face where I see her smirking at me.

"The museum sounds like a good idea, and then we can head to one of the small cafes in the area."

"Whatever you want to do."

Wanda puts her top on, moving back to the bed and lifting the covers so she can get herself comfortable under them. I sit up a bit more creating a little space between us where I can lay the tray, so it doesn't have to rest in one of our laps; moving the cups of coffee to the bedside table so they don't spill on the bed. Seeing this, Wanda straightens out her legs, laying them over mine and we both shiver at the skin on skin contact that we both crave from one another. I cut up a couple pieces of pancake, using a fork to stab a piece that I give to Wanda as I use my fingers of my other hand to feed myself a piece. Multitasking.

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