Pancakes and L Bombs

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"I'm hungry." Tommy interrupts Nathaniel's story about something that I have no clue about, he just keeps babbling on about aliens and space but we are all still huddled together just listening. 

"Me too." Billy pipes up.

"Me three." Nathaniel looks at me from the end of the bed.

We have all shuffled around, since I kept losing feeling in my limbs with everyone on top of me. I am currently in the center of the bed, sitting up with my back to the headboard, Wanda is laying down on my left with her head in my lap as I weave my hand through her hair and allow her to play with my fingers of my other hand. She is so cute and very much just like a puppy who loves attention. Nathaniel is sitting with his tiny butt on my shins, his legs in the small gap between mine as he leans back a little against my feet using them as a cushion. 

Tommy seems to be like his mom when it comes to physical contact as he is on my right side leaning against me, with my arm wrapped around his shoulders he has one hand on his lap while the other is holding onto Wanda's free one that is resting on my leg. Billy seems to have become quite protective, much like an older brother, towards Nathaniel because he is currently sat behind Nathaniel. Behind my feet because I am not dealing with two humans on my leg. His arms wrapped haphazardly around his little body, as he rests his chin on the crown of his head. Billy is also allowing Nathaniel to play with his hands, which consists of a lot of pulling of his fingers and clapping his hands together. It is so cute my heart can't take it.

"You hungry Wanda?" Her head turns upwards to look at me, a small smile plastered on her face.

"I could say yes to some of your famous pancakes." I look around at the other faces.

"Pancakes good with everyone else?" Everyone nods their heads excitedly at me. "Good because I make some killer pancakes and I haven't made them in a while."

Now even though me and Wanda are all cuddly at the moment we haven't actually told the boys about us, and when I say boys I mean Tommy. But it's not hard to see what's right in front of you, and I wish I could read Wanda's mind to know what she is thinking right now. I know Billy knows and is perfectly okay with it, Nathaniel is too young to know 100% what's happening but he is also not supid. Tommy keeps giving me a look, not a threatening or confused, but he looks at me then down to his mom and just smiles back up at me. I think he knows, no I know he knows but I also think Wanda wants to tell him just so everyone is on the same page.

"I can hear your thoughts from down here Y/n." I'm broken out of my train of thought by Wanda's raspy voice. I can hear a small amount of her accent present in her voice. I noticed she hides it more in front of her friends but it comes out when she is with her boys.

"You can speak normally Wanda, I think Nathaniel would find your accent pretty cool." She snuggles her face more into my lap and I feel her smile against me.

"You have an accent? That's so freaking cool, American people are so boring!" Nathaniel lifts himself a little so he can shuffle up my body, his feet are now against mine and his stomach is on my legs as he rests his head on my thighs to look up at Wanda.

"I do indeed little one?" I fawn over Wanda as she lets her full accent slip out, removing her hand from mine and gently weaving it into Nathaniel's short hair before cupping his cheek. 

"Woah. I love it." I feel Wanda giggle into my lap as she rubs her thumb against Nathaniel's cheek and he leans into her touch more. 

"Even though I am enjoying sitting in bed doing nothing, I need to get up to make pancakes." I say out loud as my stomach grumbles and Nathaniel laughs against my leg while Wanda turns her head to look at me.

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