Water Fight

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"Okay what's the game plan?" Me, Yelena and Natasha are standing at the back of my car looking at all the water guns. 

"I want that one." Yelena's eyes have a devilish glint to them as she points out the gun.

"Okay so Yelena gets the Super Soaker Hydra." I grab it, passing it off to Yelena as she takes in the details of the plastic toy.

"Natasha, which one do you want?" Natasha doesn't speak, she just leans in the back grabbing out another one of the big guns, I also don't miss the pistol she puts behind her back. "The Super Soaker Soakzooker, excellent choice."

"What about you Y/n?" I turn to look at Yelena, a smirk growing on my face.

"I've got my baby right here." I open up a box in the back that I hid the gun in to make sure I got it. "Brand new Spyra Two."

I chuck the rest of the guns in a duffle bag, there are a few super soakers, a couple of pistols and one of those small rubbish pistols for Nathaniel to use as he is still too little to pump the guns properly to get them to work. We make our way into the house, checking our corners to make sure we are not going to get caught on our sneak attack, hopefully everyone is still in the garden. 

"Psst, come this way. Will can fill them up in the sink out here then sneak out the side door." Natasha waves me and Yelena over to the utility room, filling up the large sink so we can fill the guns up. 

All the guns take a while to fill up, because of course we had to choose the biggest of the lot but once we are ready we make our way to the side door that opens up to the side of the backyard that you can't see from the decking. Natasha leads, with Yelena close behind and me at the rear as she slowly and quietly opens the door swiveling her head left from right to make sure no one is in view. She lifts her hand in the air wiggling one finger silently, telling us to follow her. 

"Are you sure you're not a Russian spy Natasha, this all seems very tactical." I hear her huff out a laugh rolling her eyes at me as she turns to face me.

Just as she is about to say something we hear laughing close by and we simultaneously press our backs to the wall, crouching down to try and hide ourselves a little more. When the laughter moves away from us Natasha slowly slides her body along the wall putting her head past the corner to check the surroundings, holding up a fist to tell us to stay where we are. Me and Yelena hold our breath waiting for Natasha's singal.

We wait…

Her finger waves us to move as she moves around the corner.

"WATER FIGHT!" Yelena shouts as she rounds the corner immediately aiming for Sharon, firing with no remorse and laughing like a crazy person when she gets her right in the face. "Bullseye!"

I turn to see the children running away, so make my way towards them as Tommy and Billy group together to protect Nathaniel. If I wasn't so interested in attacking them with my water guns I would have melted at the sight, but I couldn't let it distract me. They hid Nathaniel behind their bodies who was shouting out about how the alien is after him. 

"Don't worry Nathaniel, we will protect you." Billy raises his arms in front of him, like has some sort of magic powers that are going to stop me.

"Your powers aren't going to stop me Billy." 

"Billy take Nat, I will distract her!" I smile at the nickname they have given him as Tommy shouts at them as he runs towards me, jeez Wanda's right this kids quick...but not as quick as me.

I turn my body running after Tommy who is already a few paces ahead of me, so as I am running I move my gun to aim for his back. When the cold water makes contact with his shirt he squeals a bit zigzagging around to try and put me off. He makes his way up the decking, essentially trapping himself so I spray him a few times and he dramatically collapses to the floor shouting 'man down, man down'. 

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