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(Wanda PoV)

Nat left about 30 minutes ago meaning that it's been nearly 3 hours since I've heard from Y/n, not that I need to hear from her every second of every day. But now I know what day it is, I'm more worried than I was before. I need to stay here though in case she comes back, and her finds my friends is turned off so I don't even know where I would start looking if I did leave to find her.

I'm sitting on one of the stools at the island nursing a cup of tea, my leg bouncing uncontrollably as my eyes are locked onto the dark screen of my phone. Just waiting for a notification, anything that tells me she is at least alive. I'm allowed to worry.

I know I just went over with Nat that I would give her time and space, especially since I hurt her in the worst possible way the day before their anniversary. I don't even know where to start on apologising. No apology will fix that which I just broke more, I have to get her to believe I didn't mean it. I don't need the forgiveness this is about her needing to hear that I was wrong. That she does know what it's like to be a mother. 

It doesn't matter if your child lives forever, dies at 2 months, if they don't even make it to birth. It doesn't matter if the child is from a previous relationship, or adopted, or even if you have raised the child of a family member. If you love, care for and show every day how proud you are and how loved they are by you. Well then you are a good mother. You become a mother the moment the stick says positive, and I all but stripped that title away from Y/n. 

I don't know how to fix it. I don't know if I can. But I do know, if she allows me too, I will show her everyday how much she means to me and how much of a good mother she is. She is a mother to Evie. She is a mother figure to both the boys. She needs to know that, then she can ask me anything she needs to and I will try my best to answer them.

No, I won't try. I will answer them all.

I just need to be upfront with her about why I'm so closed off, she needs to know that it's going to take time but she can slowly start chipping away at my walls. She needs to know that she is loved. 

I'm brought out of my inner monologue by my phone screen lighting up with her contact name. It's not a message though. She is calling me. I answer it as soon as I see her name pop up, but refrain myself from sounding excited that she is willing to talk to me.

Me: Hello

My voice is hesitant as the other end of the line crackles and pops with the sound of static, I'm not sure how she would have reacted if I called her baby so I refrained from using a pet name. The line continues to crackle and pop; I start to worry once again.

Me: Y/n are you there?

I hear a sharp breath from the end of the line.

Y/n: I'm here princess.

My heart soares as I hear her call me that name but don't let it take over my worry.

Me: Hi baby.

I hear her sigh, maybe the wind whistling in the background. So she is outside. I hear her sniffle and a small sob echoes down the line.

Me: What can I do baby? What do you need?

Y/n: You

She chokes out and my heart breaks at how emotional she sounds.

Me: I'm here baby. What do you need me to do? 

Y/n: Can you come and pick me up? I can't leave by myself.

Me: Where are you?

Y/n: The Marble Cemetery.

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