Always feel good

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⚠️smut warning⚠️

(Y/n PoV)

"Are you sure baby?" Wanda moans her words against my neck as my hands move to her butt and start to massage her cheeks. 

"Yes, princess. Do you want to keep going?" I feel her nod against my neck and decide this is the perfect time to test something out. 

She grumbles when I remove my hands from her, her hips rolling at a slow rhythm on her own accord working herself up slowly. I bring a hand down to slap one of her butt cheeks, a gasp leaving Wanda's lips but it soon turns to a moan when I massage the small pain. 

"Words baby girl. Do you want to keep going?" 

"Yes, please. Again." Her grip on my shirt tightens a moan bouncing off the walls of the treehouse when I bring my hand down to her other cheek a little harder this time. Her hips push against my body more allowing Wanda to gain more friction, and I massage the sore spot with my hand, another small moan parting her lips.

"I have something for you." My hands move to her hips to stop her movements and she whines in my ear at the loss of contact. 

"What do you mean?" Her voice is husky as she starts to kiss the skin of my neck dragging her tongue across it. 

"Why don't you unbuckle my pants and find out." Wanda sits up straight on my torso suddenly looking down at me with her lip between her teeth.

"I've been good?" Wanda's hand moves down behind her to my pants pushing down and she half giggles half moans when she feels the bulge in my pants knowing what is about to happen.

"I was planning on pinning you up against a tree and having a quickie, but this is much much better. Don't you think princess?" My tone is sultry and I watch as Wanda's eyes darken with every word. 

"So much better." Wanda leans down so her mouth is next to my ear. "Gives me time to show you how grateful I am for your forgiveness." 

"Not until I've shown you how much I forgive you." Wanda bites her lip nodding at my words.

"I can live with that."

"Close the hatch for me Princess." Wanda gets up off of my body almost instantaneously and goes to the doors of the treehouse and closes them before making her way back to the bean bag. 

Wanda doesn't say anything as she slowly kneels down on the wooden floor next to the bean bag, her hand gently stroking at my inner thigh as her other one tracks across her own body. She then moves both hands to my belt buckle, I rest my hands on my stomach as I watch her, and she slowly pulls it out of the hoops. 

She sits back on her calves, putting the end in her mouth as she twists the middle section around her hands in a figure of 8. She holds the buckle in her left hand moving it up to her mouth where she twists her other hand to help guide the tip of the belt through the buckle. I watch her every movement, pressing my thighs together as her lust filled eyes stare right into mine. 

I groan at the sight of watching Wanda grab the end of the belt back between her teeth and pulling her hands down harshly to tighten it. She moans at the tightness and I'm instantly up on my feet towering over her as her hands land in her lap and she looks up at me with her lip between her teeth. I bend down to match her height, her head moving downwards so she can continue to look at me. I look down at the belt around her wrists making sure the clasp is through the hole to keep it tight, and I can see it rubbing harshly against her skin.

"Is it okay, it looks a little tight." My fingers tract the edge of the belt as her hands twitch slightly. 

"The tighter the better." My eyes flick back to hers and she must see the slight worry in mine as she changes her answer. "They are okay, baby, I promise."

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