Bayushki Bayu

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The feeling of a cold empty bed is what wakes me up this morning, not kisses or a warm body next to me. My eyes flutter open as I move to sit up trying to recount what happened last night. My other hand pats the bed absentmindedly, the feeling of the cold mattress and sheets telling me I've been alone for a while. My other hand moves to rub the sleep from my eyes but the moment I feel the pain shoot across my face I pull it away. 

I blink rapidly a few times to push back the few tears that have appeared due to the sudden pain, and when I look around the room it spins slightly. I push my hands into the mattress as I take a few deep breaths, closing my eyes softly, trying to get everything to stop spinning. 

Once the dull ache stops I open my eyes letting out a small relieved breath when the room is motionless. I bring my index finger up to my face gently pressing it into the skin beneath my eye, sucking in a sharp breath when I feel the pain shoot across my face once again. However, I don't pull it away this time, choosing to trace it over the bridge of my nose and across to my other eye. I can feel the skin is swollen and raw under my touch, and I can only imagine what the bruises look like. Before I can even think about checking, a light knock at the door pulls my attention away from my face.

"Come in." My voice is hoarse and my throat sore but I pay it no mind when I see Billy entering my room with a tray of food and a big smile on his face.

"Good morning Y/n. Mom made pancakes for us all and asked if I could bring them up. She said she will be up in a minute once she has cooked hers."

I push myself back against the headboard as Billy walks to my side of the bed, patiently waiting till I'm settled to put the tray in my lap. He takes the cup of coffee off of the tray putting it on the bedside table before he smiles at me but I can see the worry in his eyes. Before I can question him, he walks away towards the ensuite and I can hear him searching around the cupboard. A few moments later he comes out waving a small tube of arnica ointment. 

The bed dips as Billy climbs up into it as I start slicing up my pancakes taking a few small bites. Taking a sip of coffee to go down with them, as it helps soothe the soreness of my throat as I eat the food. 

"Can I put this on your eyes while you eat?" He shows me the tube of ointment as his eyes scan my face.

"Of course." I rest my head against the headboard so he has clear access to the bruising. 

"I'm going to do my best not to hurt you, but these are some nasty bruises Y/n." His concern makes my heart melt and I huff out a laugh.

"You should see the other guy." Billy peaks over the edge of the bed and I momentarily wonder what he is doing until he is looking back at me with a smug smile.

"The floor looks fine to me." I giggle at his remark as he unscrews the lid of the ointment. "But in all seriousness the floor has done a number on you. You were lucky to not break your nose."

"Luck has never been my strong suit Billy." He puts a small bit of ointment on the tip of his finger before placing the tub down on the edge of the tray.

"Well maybe your luck is changing for the better." He shuffles up next to me, his hand coming to rest under my jaw as he tilts my head slightly upwards  

He is sitting on his knees so he is now a little bit taller than me, and I smile at all the tenderness I see on his face as his eyes follow the movement of his finger. His tongue pokes out between his lips as his finger makes contact with my face, so gently I almost don't feel it. I close my eyes as he slowly rubs small circles on the bruised skin, getting closer and closer to my nose. 

He pulls away, peaking one of my eyes open. I see him getting more ointment, before turning to face me with a pleased smile. He gently boops the edge of my nose and I take that as the signal to close my eyes once again. I let out a surprised gasp when the ointment and his finger make contact with my nose, my head flinching slightly. His hand on my jaw instantly pulls away along with his other hand, to allow me to react. 

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