French Braids

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I lean against the bathroom door, as I watch Wanda just relaxing with her eyes closed, her hands resting on the sides of the tub. As to not scare her, I gently knock on the door smiling at her when her eyes flutter open and she tilts her head to the side to look at me. She lifts her right hand up making grabby hands, this woman and her grabby hands, so I hold out my hand taking hers in mine as I kneel down on the floor next to the bathtub. I interlock our fingers, using my other hand to wipe some stray hairs from her forehead as her eyes search mine. 

"Hi princess. You feeling okay?" A soft smile pulls at Wanda's lips as she relaxes more, her body sliding down into the water a little bit. 

"Perfect. Thank you dorogoy." Her voice cracks cutely as she tries to whisper, keeping the calm atmosphere.

"You washed your hair yet?" I ask, noticing that half of it is in the water floating around her shoulders. 

"Not yet." I weave my hand through her red looks that I absolutely love. 

"Can I wash it for you?" Wanda gives me a fuzzy smile, nodding her head. "What shampoo do you use?" 

"The essential oils one. The conditioner is next to it." I look at the small collection of shampoos and conditioner picking out the two strawberry scented ones and place them on the floor next to me.

"So this is why you always smell like strawberries?" 

"It is. Do you not like it?" 

"Mmm, no, I love it. Whenever I smell strawberries I'm reminded of you and these gorgeous red locks of yours."

"Well you always smell like Vanilla and Cinnamon." I smile fondly at Wanda as I start scratching at Wanda's scalp. "What?"

"Nothing, just vanilla was always what Sarah would smell like. I just kept using her perfume, as a, I don't know. I way to help me cope I guess." Wanda's other hand moves to cup my cheek.

"Well then I love the scent even more." I give Wanda a small peck on the lips.

"Lean back for me princess." 

I remove my hand from Wanda's, so I can lean over the bathtub a bit more. My left hand moves to the back of her neck, while I make sure all her hair is put of the way, my right hand starts to weave through her hair as she leans her head back towards the water. I cup some water in my hand pouring it on the front of her hairline, ensuring none of the water goes anywhere else but in her hair. I continue to weave my hand through her hair, making sure it is all nice and wet. Once I've deemed it okay I use my left hand on her neck to bring her head back up, and allow her to sit up angling her body to I can apply the shampoo. 

I put some shampoo in my hand, rubbing them together before I start weaving them both through her hair making sure to go from the roots all the way to the tips. I allow my fingers to scratch at her scalp, as I apply the shampoo all over her head and I hear her let out a content sigh: her head flopping backwards slightly. I replace my had on her neck, as she moves to slide back down into the water. I take my time to wash out the shampoo making sure to get it all out, pouring water along her hairline so she doesn't have to strain her neck backwards more. I do the same thing as before lifting her head up, the bathroom filled with silence. The only thing that can be heard is our gentle breathing; and Wanda's sighs when I massage her scalp when applying the conditioner.

The bathroom is filled with the sweet smell of strawberries and it makes me smile, which only grows when the beautiful red-head infront of me turns to plant a kiss on my lips. Her wet hands cupping my face as her lips give attention to my bottom one sucking on it lightly before nibbling at it, earning a small groan from me. Which seems to be what she wanted because she pulls away, resting her forehead on mine and our breaths mixing together. 

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now