Can I Join You?

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"Well that was fun." I huff out a laugh as I start to dry myself off, rolling my eyes.

"Fun is one word for it. I can't feel my legs." I hit my leg a couple times to emphasise the points.

"That just means I did my job right."

"What? Is it your job to make sure I can't walk for the next few days?" I go to put on my hoodie but realise I'm drenched in sweat so put it around my waist.

"Yeah that's what you asked me to do."

"I don't recall saying that at all." I reply sarcastically.

"Oh well, it's too late now. Anyway, everyone was enjoying the show."

"Oh I bet they were. How many were saying I couldn't do it?"

"Pretty much all of them." I scoff at her reply.

"Did you think I could do it?"

"Sure." I give her a pointed look. "Look it was more than you've done before it wouldn't have mattered if you couldn't handle it because you can always try again."

"I guess so."

"At least you burned a lot of energy and calories by doing so."

"That's true. I could eat for 10 at this point." I wipe the sweat from my forehead using the back of my forearm.

"Doesn't surprise me."

"Well next time it's your turn." I see her shake her head.

"Nope. I can't do what you just did."

"Why not?"

"Have you seen me?"

"You are strong, just because you're tiny doesn't mean you can't do it. It's all about getting up to that point where you feel confident doing so."

"Yeah and I won't get to that point."

"What the pushing, or the confidence?"


"Come on! I can help!"

"How?" I sit down next to her, placing a friendly hand on her shoulder.

"We all have to start somewhere. I know the technique and mindset so I can help you get there if it's something you want."

"I would love to be able to do what you just did but if people didn't think you could do it then what would they think about me trying it." 

"I will beat them up. Or we can do it in a private session if it makes you more comfortable." 

"I don't know."

"Oh come one Nat, let me help you." 

"Fine but we are not jumping straight to 380lbs." 

"I wouldn't make you leg press that much if you haven't done it before."

"Fine. Next session we can start small."

"What have you managed before?"

"I haven't ever used the machine. I do some leg exercises but I mainly focus on my arms and back."

"Okay so we can test it. Start at something light, like, 50lbs and move up 10lbs each time till you can't."

"Okay deal."

"Perfect." I nudge our shoulders together as Nat stands up from the bench holding her hand out to me which I use to hoist myself up.

"Now go home and have a shower. You stink."

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