Twenty Percent

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"No way!" Wanda leans back in her chair, putting her hand over her mouth to try and hide her laughing. 

"I was scared shitless! I mean imagine your sister walking in on you doing the nasty on the couch of your shared apartment. She chased me around the room for a good 10 minutes until we realised the girl was very confused." I shake my head as I think back to that night.

"What did the girl do?" Wanda gives me her full attention now she has gotten over her laughing fit.

"She asked what was going on and if she had just become a homewrecker." 

"Oh my goodness!" Wanda shakes her head at my antics. "Well I hope you explained that she was your sister." 

"Mhm. I did. Then she asked where we had gotten to and my sister left in a hurry." 

"I would too if my brother had a girl around." She takes a bite of the muffin she ordered.

"Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I have walked in on my sister and her wife. So you have a brother? Any other siblings." I like this, getting to know someone, thing. 

"Yeah, I do." Her expression changes slightly, shit I think I hit a nerve. 

"What's he like?" Wanda's eyes look into mine, before looking back down at her hands where she is fiddling with her rings. 

"There are so many things. Where do I start?" 

"How about his name?" I don't want to push her, but I feel like she wants to talk about him and never really gets the chance. 

"His name is Pietro, Pietro Maximoff. He is my twin brother, older by just a few minutes but will never let me forget it." She smiles to herself as she continues. "Even though he is the eldest of the two of us, he is most definitely the child and I feel like a parent to him sometimes. We had so many adventures as children back in Sokovia, and we made memories here too." 

Her smile drops. Oh shit.

"I miss him." I grab her hand from across the table giving it a comforting squeeze, she looks up at me and gives me a sad smile a few tears line her eyes. "Uh, sorry I, uhm didn't mean to put a damper on the mood."

"Do not apologise for having emotions. Tell me more." Her head shoots up to look at me in confusion and question.

"Wait really?! You want to hear about my brother?" 

"Only with what you're comfortable telling me." 

"Okay, just. I haven't spoken about him like this in ages, what do you want to know?" Her eyes fill with hope and the thought she gets to talk about him.

"Why not?" Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Why don't you speak about him more often, I mean."

"Well Vis, the twins' dad and my ex husband, wasn't Pietros biggest fan in college or out of college. So it always seemed difficult to bring him up after what happened, and he never asked. So I never told. My friends, work colleagues and those who know enough but never ask questions. It's like they are walking on eggshells and think that if they even mention his name I will have a mental breakdown or something." She uses her sleeve to clear a few of the tears that have escaped, a shaky breathing leaving her lips. 

"So tell me more. What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you in front of your brother that you know he will never let you live down?" I change the course of the conversation trying to give it a lighter tone, I don't need to know what happened. It's not my business. If she wants to tell me, then it will be her decision and her decision only. 

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