From Second To First

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I wake up to the feeling of kisses being planted all over my face, a smile growing on my face as they go from my forehead to my cheeks down my jaw and back up to my ears. I feel a smile grow on Wanda's lips as they come to peck my cheeks a few more times before moving to my lips now she knows I am awake. My eyes flutter open and my smile grows at the sight in front of me. Wanda is gently sitting on my abdomen, a leg either side of my body, her hands now moving to rest on my abdomen in front of her as she sits up straight looking straight down at me. I rest my hands gently on top of her thighs smiling up at her.

"Good morning princess." My raspy voice makes Wanda's smile grow as she leans down, her hands staying on my abdomen, her lips ghosting mine.

"Good morning dorogoy." Wanda's voice is full of rasps and her Sokovian accent is thick, making me shiver at the sound. I tilt my head slightly upwards so our lips can meet in a sweet kiss.

"What happened to you not liking morning breath?" I quirk an eyebrow in question remembering, as she lifts her face slightly to hover above mine, how she normally wants me to brush my teeth before she kisses me in the morning. 

"Well you see, now that you're mine I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it because all I want to do now is kiss you. And if that means dealing with morning breath, well so be it." I raise my eyebrows at her words.

"Oh really I'm yours, I thought you were mine?" I move my right hand from her thigh all the way up her side, then her neck all the way to her cheek making sure my hand stays in contact with her body. When I see the goosebumps grow on her skin I smirk. 

"Isn't that right babygirl? You. Are. Mine." I bring my mouth to the edge of her jaw gently digging my teeth into her skin, not enough to hurt or leave a mark but enough that a sigh leaves her mouth. 

"Mhmm." She gives me a small nod.

"What's that babygirl?"

"I'm yours." I bring my mouth to her earlobe allowing my hot breath to travel past it.

"That's right you are." I bring my face away, not wanting to start something so early and on an empty stomach. 

You see when we got back last night, and after our talk about how we are going to introduce me to the boys all Wanda wanted to do was snuggle and watch some movies. Of course I was happy to do that, it was our way of being close with one another without being close and it was nice for a change. I mean something has shifted between us. A good shift, but still a shift. 

I mean normally when me and Wanda are together the night always ends with us having sex, or at least a good old fashion highschool make out session. But not last night. We did nothing but hold each other, of course we still had the skin on skin contact as we were wearing sleep shorts and t-shirts but nothing else occurred. We just cuddled and shared the moment together. It was nice, no, it was amazing. So like I said, it's a good shift. To me it means that we don't always need a physical need for one another, not in that way. I'm so happy right now.

My heart is happy. 

"Baby?" I'm snapped out of my inner thoughts by the new term, my eyes meeting Wanda's that are glowing in the early morning light that is forcing its way through a gap in the curtains, the dust in the air visible as it floats through the light beam.

"Baby?" Wanda hums, nodding as she bites her bottom lip. "What's up printsessa?" 

"Nothing baby, I just wanted to call you baby and see your reaction." 

"Goof. Did you like my reaction?"

"Mhmm, I did. You called me printsessa, so I did indeed." She smiles down at me until I see her give me a questioning look as something seems to spring to the front of her mind. "Do you speak Russian?" 

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