First Meeting

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⚠️Mentions of Blood, death, abuse and PTSD⚠️

"Y/n what does she mean murdered? You said she died, nothing about being murdered." I think I hear restraint in Wanda's voice, she's mad at me again. I'm sure of it.

"I mean I guess you could call it murder. That's what the man is going down for." I shrug nonchalantly.

"Y/n what man?" I jump a little when I hear Natasha's voice forgetting that she is a part of the little huddle on the floor.

"The man and his crazy fucking boss." I explain like it's the simplest thing in the world.

"Y/n you're not making any sense."

"The man that killed my wife and child is going down for murder, his boss is going down for plotting said murder. It's easy enough to understand, is it not? 1 man paid another man to kill my wife and child because of something I did!" My voice raises as I become a little hostile towards the two women and I don't realise what I've said until it's too late.

"You still blame yourself." It's not a question but a statement that leaves Wanda's lips. "This is what was going on between you and Loki, wasn't it? Whatever happened he blamed you for it all. Y/n none of this is your fault, you told me so yourself."

"I know that. Deep down I do, I do, I do. I do. I do. I didn't kill her. I didn't kill her. I didn't kill her. I...I...I….I didn't…..I didn't…..I didn't….kill. I didn't kill her." My voice fills with hatred towards myself because the more I say it the less I believe it. 

I didn't kill her.



No, I didn't kill her.

Yes, I got her killed.

My brain keeps going in circles over and over, a constant battle of what I did and didn't do. The pain I did, or didn't cause. How I got my own wife and child killed. How it's all my fault. How none of it is my fault. It's a viscous cycle that won't just end, it's keeps going and going and going and going and going and fucking going. And then when it seems to have quietened down and I have a split second to think about where I am in reality I'm sucked back into the void, the endless void where I see my wife holding my child in the hospital bed with that amazing smile on her face. 

"Baby we did it. Look at our baby girl. My little Stark. My beautiful girl, you have your mama's eyes." 

My wife looks up to me and the Hospital bed is thrown across the void, the scene changing before I can even comprehend that I'm being pulled towards them. Their lifeless bodies, covered in each other's blood. Covered in my blood. Glass and metal shards embedded in their skin, their eyes white with no ray of life visible. Not even a slither. I lean down to close my little girl's eyes, before moving towards my wife. I place my hand on her forehead staring into her lifeless eyes, my two fingers pull down over her eyelids. 

"It's your fault." My body jerks back as my wife's body comes to life, her cold broken hand gripping onto my wrist leaving bright red marks. "It's all your fault." 

Before she can do anything else I see two white lights flickering above me, the darkness of the void momentarily lights up and I see a hint of red….maybe some green too. Then darkness….

I jerk awake, the harsh white lights blinding my eyes as I scramble to sit up struggling for breath. I slam my eyes shut to protect them from the white light, I feel a pair of hands on me but I shove them away mine fly to my chest as I feel the tightness of it. Everything stops when I hear a voice. Her voice.

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