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My eyes are stuck on watching the fire. The way in which it is slowly turning the logs that feed it black and grey, slowly crumbling away to ash, the logs themselves popping when the heat expands enough inside to make the pockets of steam burst from the wood. The way the bottom of the flame holds fast in its position, barely moving but ever growing.

A vast contrast to the peak of the flame which dances in the night air, reaching out to lick at as much of the oxygen pure air as possible. The vibrant colours change as the flame gets hotter and hotter from base to tip. Some flames even seem to separate from the main body of the fire as they do a small dance of their own before disappearing in front of our eyes.

The heat from the fire is amazing, the way it easily fights back the cold of the fresh night, with being able to sit a few feet away from it and still be able to enjoy it. The way the fire is roaring in the fire pit, producing heat with barely any smoke has me in a small trance as I let the world around me disappear for a moment. All of my senses solely trained on the fire in front of me.

The vivid colours of the fire.

The snap, crackle and pop of the wood.

The warmth it is producing.

The smell of the oak logs burning slowly.

The taste of the s'mores and wine that we are enjoying.

A hand on the back of my neck brings me out of my trance, nails gently scratching up and down either side of my spine before the hand comes to a rest. I look slowly to my right, as their thumb slowly starts to rub small circles on the skin of my neck, doing my best at not closing my eyes at the relaxing feeling as they meet Wanda's soft green ones.

Her soft smile instantly soothes something inside me, as I take in her features, a small warmth growing in my heart as I feel the corner of my lips tug into a soft smile of my own. My eyes flick around her features, her brow raising ever so slightly with a small tilt of her head asking a silent question.

"I'm okay." I mouth as my hand finds hers, taking it from the back of my neck and moving it so I can kiss her palm. A gesture that seems to answer any other questions she has as her attention goes back to her parents.

I feel a small blush form on my cheeks as I realise we are not alone and I most definitely zoned out while they were most likely talking to us. My attention turns to them, able to catch them looking between me and Wanda before they look at each other with smiles and nodding. What they are discussing in their silent conversation is lost on me as Wanda's hand finds home back on my neck, her thumb rubbing those soft circles over my skin.

"So Wanda says your the CEO of the partner company she works for." Her fathers question brings me back to reality and it takes me a second to recognise the sign of the typical parent interrogation that's about to happen.

"Uh, yeah, uh." I clear my throat as her parents patiently wait for me to shift around a little both giving me kind smiles as I settle into the start of the conversation. "Yeah, that's right. Its and R&D company over being tech savvy and everything else like the company Wanda works for is."

"So your stuff is like science?" Iryna's curiosity causes her head to tilt and now I know where her children and grandchildren got it from.

"Exactly. We do a lot of different research in a lot of different areas of science, and then we work alongside other big corporations in aiding in their research and all that stuff that is probably rather boring for us to talk about around a campfire." I chuckle a little nervously not liking everyone's attention on me as I try not to sound like I am tooting my own horn with my job and lifestyle that comes with it.

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