Your Third Love

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⚠️No warnings just merry Christmas eve from me to your! or merry Christmas for those who celebrate it! Damn you time zones⚠️

Me and Wanda knock on the cabin door, both of us checking ourselves over to make sure we look decent to avoid any unwanted questions. I leave a small kiss on the side of her head as the door opens to reveal a smug looking Kate.

"You can both still walk then?" Wanda's face flushes red, stuffing it into my chest as she grumbles against my chest.

"Of course. We had to be able to climb down the tree otherwise we probably would have kept going into next week." I laugh when Wanda glares up at me, her fingers pinche at my skin by my rib - causing my body to jerk to the side - in warning to shut up.

"Please say you cleaned up after yourself and didn't leave a mess behind. Did you wear protection?" Wanda turns around slapping Kate in the arm as her face burns a bright red. 

"Of course we did, didn't end up using the condoms you so gratefully left in the draws, but I did steal a few just in case we need them on future endeavours." Kate raises an eyebrow at me as Wanda buries her face back into my chest shuffling on her feet. 

"Oh wow." Kate seems to understand my small insinuation as Wanda grumbles against my chest about us bullying her.

"It's okay princess, we are only messing. You shouldn't be embarrassed Kate means no harm with her words, she is just joking around." 

"Yeah, it takes a lot to weird me out." Wanda sends her a shy smile and we take that as a good sign as Kate moves to the side. "Please come in. My mother has something she wants to say." 

Me and Wanda both look at each other warily before shuffling our way inside the cabin, hanging our coats up and taking our snow covered shoes off. I look down to my top to see there is a stain from where Wanda sat on me, and Wanda's eyes widen as she looks down to it, her cheeks flushing a new shade of pink all the way up to her ears. Kate turns around to see what's holding us up from following her down the hall and when she sees me trying to rub the stain off she bursts out laughing. Mine and Wanda's head whip around to look at the laughing girl, and Wanda once again huffs in annoyance at the fact she doesn't find this a laughing matter.

Or she is just highly embarrassed because it is very funny.

"I still have some of your spare clothes in my drawer from last time you were here Y/n, all nice and washed." She looks at Wanda whose face is burning bright red. "Shall we grab a drink Wanda while we wait so you have a chance to go back to not looking like a tomato."

"Uhm, yeah I could get a water." Wanda stands up on her tiptoes leaving a small peck on my lips. 

"Can't believe I have to clean up after your mess." I murmur against her lips and she gasps before flicking my forehead and I feign hurt stumbling backwards a few steps holding my head.

"Maybe next time you will think before being rude."

"I wasn't being rude, I was being honest." 

"Same thing sometimes." I give Wanda a cheeky smile as Kate rolls her eyes heading to the kitchen to wait for Wanda, and I step forward to pull Wanda into a hug.

"I'm sorry princess, I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of Kate. I love you." She hums against my chest, her hands snaking up my chest to my cheeks where she tilts my head down as she rests her chin on my chest. 

"I love you too. Now go get changed so we can see what Eleanor wants." 

"I won't be long." I leave a small peck on her lips and swat at her butt as she turns around to join Kate in the kitchen. 

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