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Princess: Have a good day at work. I love you.

Me: You too princess. I love you too. 

My eyes look over the past few days of messages, my heart feeling a small ache from missing Wanda's presence next to mine at night. It's currently Thursday so me and Wanda have officially started doing the whole space thing that we talked about. I'm not going to lie, I hate it but I can't let Wanda know that because she will probably just say 'this is good for you, good for us' or something. I mean I'm the one who even brought up the subject and now it's happening I am the one struggling. 

We spent most of Monday cuddled on the couch watching TV and movies with the boys, completely relaxing after our busy week in Canada. But now I'm here on a Thursday afternoon at work, staring at paperwork. The words on the page seem to be melting together with how long I have been staring at it, and I've taken nothing in. I groan as I rest my head on the desk, pushing the paperwork to the floor planning to deal with it later. The sudden buzzing of my phone's intercom causes me to raise my head and try to sound at least a little excited to be at work. 

"Good afternoon Boss. You're 2 o'clock is here, well all three of them." Mantis informs me and I perk up remembering the meeting I have planned for today.

"Oh right, yes. The three teens. Right, send them up, don't put them on a tour. I want to do that myself."

"Of course boss. Do you require any drinks or food for this meeting?" 

"Ask the three of them what they want, and just get Gabe to go to the tower to grab mine from Wanda again please. Get Gabe to get you and himself something too." 

"Of course boss." When the line goes dead I lean back in my chair, looking up at the ceiling as I rub my hands up and down my face. 

I sit forward after a few moments, opening the calendar on my laptop to see what else I have coming up. I groan when I see it's all just meeting from now until late tomorrow night, having the weekend and Monday off. The calendar also reminds me I've got 4 more days. 4 days to prepare. 4 days to decide what I need to do. 4 days. 

I get lost in thought. I don't hear my name being called through the door until I hear a loud knock and the appearance of mantis' head in the doorway brings me back and I smile as she leads the three teenagers into my room. Mantis leaves the room, leaving the three of them to their own devices as they all look around my office, then to me.

I stand from my seat straightening out my suit, using my right hand to pop open the button that's keeping it closed as I walk around the desk. I hold in a chuckle when I see both the boys look between each other with a nervous stance, as the girl stands with her arms crossed eyeing me up and down trying to get a read on me. I hold out my left hand towards the girl first.

"Hi you must be MJ, it's nice to finally be able to host this introductory day." She takes my hand as she raises a brow.

"How old are you?" The boy I know to be Peter looks at her in shock as he elbows her.

"MJ!" He says through gritted teeth. 

"What? I'm just saying she looks young." MJ shrugs as she nudges Peter back. 

"It's okay. I'm 22 so yes I'm only 5 years older than you guys." I move to shake the other two boys' hands. "Nice to finally meet you Peter and you Ned, right?"

"This place is so cool Miss. Like really, really cool. I was going to do a Stark internship but when he saw my work he suggested applying for your programme, saying that it was for the best of the best. He also said that he thought I would be a good fit for the team, but I'm really nervous. I don't know if you can tell but when I'm nervous a ramble. And I'm rambling now and I don't quite know how to stop, oh please someone put me out of my misery." I stifle a laugh when MJ's hand makes contact with the back of his head, shutting Peter up quickly.

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