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(Wanda PoV)

As we walk into the house, followed closely by Tony, Pepper and now my new little sister Morgan. I smile as I remember the way my heart practically melted when she asked me, how was I meant to say no to her when she is so sweet and cute and adorable. Damn I remember when Billy and Tommy were her age now look at them too mature and grown up for their age. Only myself and Vision to blame, but I think I would rather have them the way they are than causing troubles on the streets like me and Pietro used to at their age.

Y/n let's go of my hand, but not before leaving a few kisses on my lips, as she goes to take her coat and shoes off. I feel a light tug on my coat, turning around I see a shy looking Morgan who is twisting one of her feet left to right as she fiddles with her fingers. I brush some hair out of her face as I bend down to match her height, making sure I'm talking with her and not down at her.

"What's up honey?" Morgan looks at me shrugging her shoulders a little, and I look to Tony and Pepper for answers, both of them matching their daughters actions. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong. I was just wondering if you could help me with my shoes and then maybe you can make lunch with me. Then maybe we can watch a movie. S used to do it when I was sad, and the food and movies always made me feel better."

My heart melts but also breaks as her eyes fill with fresh tears, and I move my finger and thumb to her chin to get her to look at me as a smile softly at her trying my best to not cry myself.

"Of course we can. What do you want to cook?" I see the three other adults walk into the kitchen from the corner of my eye as I keep my attention on Morgan.

"Can we have waffles with bacon and egg?" I smile softly wrapping my arms around Morgan and standing up, placing her on my left hip and booping her nose.

"Of course we can honey." I walk into the kitchen, Morgan on my hip, smiling as I see the other three adults sitting around the island chatting amongst themselves with fresh hot drinks in their hands.

"Looks like Morgan has found a new friend." I smile at Pepper as she looks at her daughter, and I move my eyes to see Y/n with a soft smile on her face, her eyes looking between me and her little sister.

"No, she isn't my friend." We all raise our brows looking at the young girl who has her brows scrunched so I rub my thumb along them to get her to relax them.

"I think she is Morgan." Tony chuckles as the little girl shakes her head.

"No, she isn't my friend because she is my new sis. She already said so." I smile widely at Morgan bouncing her up and down a few times on my hip before walking towards the cooker and leaning against the counter facing the others.

"Oh, yes. My bad." Tony stands from his chair making his way to the coffee pot. "Coffee Wanda?"

"Please." I turn to look back at Pepper and Y/n who haven't taken their eyes off of us and I feel a light blush cover my cheeks from all the attention so turn my head to focus my attention on Morgan ignoring the eyes on me.

"Okay, so Morgan. Why don't you sit on the counter while I cook the food, and then you can help plate it up and be my little waitress." Morgan nods her head wiggling her bum as a sign to get down, so I gently place her back on the ground and watch her run out of the room.

"What was that about?" Y/n walks over to me, placing her hands on my waist and pressing a few kisses to my forehead, before leaning down and giving me a soft kiss.

"Ahem." She chuckles against my lips pulling away from me at the sound of Tony clearing his throat, the man holding out my coffee which I eagerly take.

"Just because you are all in love, with squishy feelings doesn't mean I want to have to see you kissing your girlfriend when I am standing right here.

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