Lunch Date

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I had my head buried in piles of paperwork that had accumulated on my desk from the previous day because I had decided to spend the day with Carol instead of coming to work, but I'm the boss so I can do that every once in a while. I was sort of hoping maybe one of my associates would have been able to sign a few of these things off. Unfortunately, that is not how this was going to work because we were going to be signing on a group of new scientists who had just finished school, apprentices as you will and I am going over their applications with a fine tooth comb. Tony also emailed me about 3 of the 100 candidates and how they are the best of the best. Top grades can just get on with their work, give them something to fiddle with and they fiddle. Give them one of our gadgets and tell them to fix it, they can fix it. So that's who's profile I am currently looking at. 

Peter Parker

Ned Leeds 

Michelle Jones

They all went to the same school, all got into trouble here and there for working on science projects not condoned by the school board but proved they were willing to take risks. I like them! My search is put on pause when my office phone rings, the name on the screen showing my assistant.

"Good afternoon, Boss." The cheery voice echoes through the phone.

"Good afternoon Mantis."

"I have a Miss Maximoff waiting downstairs for you, reception thought they best phone up before sending her up. She says she has an appointment but I don't see one in your schedule." 

"It's not on the books Mantis because it's lunch. Get them to send her up, get Drax to escort her to my office, tell him not to pretend to be camouflage this time." I hear Mantis laugh down the line.

"Of course Boss I will get them to send her up right away." 

A few minutes later there is a light knock at the door, before it opens slightly and Mantis pops her head in the gap. I simply nod at her and she opens up the door, and in enters Drax and Wanda. When I see Wanda I have a large smile on my face that actually hurts my face muscles. 

"You're free to go Drax, just close the door behind you." Drax's eyes go wide.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Just because you stand still and silent doesn't mean you're camouflaged."

"But it works on everyone."

"I'm not everyone though Drax." 

"Hah! No you're not. Right, I will leave you to it boss." 

"Thank you Drax, don't slam the door on your way o...too late." I let out a small laugh as the door slams and I hear Drax's voice through the door as he lets out a small sorry. I turn to Wanda who has a matching smile on her face. "Good afternoon princess."

"Afternoon dorogoy." She lets her accent slip out, god I love that accent. "Should I be offended that I was not in your calendar?" 

"Well maybe I want to keep you as my dirty little secret for a while."

"Oh yeah?" She quirks an eyebrow as she sits on the chair on the other side of my desk laying a few containers on the desk.

"Yeah. You know, sneaking you in and out of the building these super secret meetings." 

"Hmm, and what would these super secret meetings consist of?" She grabs some plastic plates from her bag, wow this woman is prepared.

"Well today's meeting is about food, what do you want the meetings to be about princess?" I see a blush grow on her face and I give her a sly smirk. "Oh, do you like the idea of being a dirty secret? Sneaking around maybe allowing me to bend you over the desk and taking you right here in my office, or you under the desk between my legs." 

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