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Elizabeth POV

I woke up kinda groggy, and then I wondered how I got in my room because the last thing I remember is being in that blondes car what was his name again? Oh yeah! Meliodas, his name was Meliodas, but I guess I have to call him sir Meliodas since he's a prince,

I open my eyes to see a dark/ish room that I know is mine because I can see my nightlight, so i sit up and rub my eyes so they can adjust, and when I open them I find myself staring at a certain blonde,

"well look who's awake, I'll have you know I had to pickpocket you to unlock your door" he said casually

"um o-okay, thank you, sir Meliodas" I said standing up

"Don't Call Me That" he said sternly

"huh? call you what?" I asked confused

" the Sir.... leave that 'sir' bullshit out of my name" he snapped
Startling me slightly

"oh okay I'm sorry! I was just trying to be respectful!" I said embarrassed

"mmhhmm I see........ well you weren't kidding you basically have nothing, while you were asleep I took a peak around your house and damn, you don't own much of anything, how are you even alive when you have no food in your fridge or on any of your shelves? Oh by the way I took the liberty of ordering food since I'm hungry and I can only imagine how hungry you must be, seeing as you have no food nor do I even want to know when the last time you ate was" he said casually making me smile behind my hands which were on my now blushing face

"o-okay th-thank you...... Meliodas" I said softly while he just hummed his response

"oh and don't forget your going to be spending the day with me" he said sternly

"a-alright...... But May I ask why your helping me? I mean not that I'm ungrateful, but why? No one ever helps me, and you have no reason to want to, I mean your a prince and have no need to help someone like me" I asked confused while he just raised a brow

"hmpf are you serious? No ones Ever helped you?" he asked sternly while I realized what I had just admitted

But I didn't want to lie to him again, he's shown me so much kindness, I owe it to him to be honest,
"w-well no...... Is that a....... Bad thing?" I asked curiously while he showed irritation for a split second before staring at me blankly

"yes..... That's a bad thing..... Don't your friends tell you that?" he asked curiously

"oh.... I don't have..... Friends......" I said looking down while he hummed slightly

"well...... I don't either......." he said stunning me, a prince doesn't have friends? Since when? I looked up to see him staring at his feet, but before I could even say anything the doorbell rang,

"well must be the food, I'll get it" he said sternly going to the door, while I watched in awe, a moment passed and he came back with a couple bags of food, it smelled so good,

He gave two of them to me, and grabbed what appeared to be drink out of one of the bags and gave it to me as well, before taking what was left and sitting on the floor, I stood up and sat next to him while I smiled at him, I took the food out of the bag it appeared to be a giant egg and sausage sandwich with hash browns, I opened the other bag to find a container with bacon and waffles in it, I looked over at this generous man next to me who was already eating, and leaned over and hugged him tightly, I heard him cough a bit but I didn't let go,

"thank you!" I said as I accidentally began crying into the crook of his neck

And suddenly he patted my back gently
"its okay...... Everything is going to be okay" he said reassuringly,
I just sniffled while holding on tightly,

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