I Promise

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Elizabeth POV

A couple weeks had passed and I couldn't be happier having Meliodas as my best friend, there were a couple times when he'd have to go, but most of the time he would stay with me, he was always doing something new and fun one time he had me buckle up extra tight and he drove fast enough that the tires on his car were screeching, he's also always giving me things anything from clothing, jewelry, food to taking me to the movies and I felt extremely spoiled, Meliodas also refused to let me get another job, saying he didn't want to risk me getting hurt or have me get stuck with another boss like my last one.

And he also told me about his family, about how He had two younger brothers, Estarosa was the middle child and zeldris was the youngest, and how he never knew his mother and how each of his brothers had a different mother, he told about how his father killed estarosa's mother and then after zeldris was born killed his mother too, about how abusive his father was I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

I always avoided the topic about my family.

We were eating some food Meliodas had ordered In a park that Meliodas drove us to, but I was spacing off wondering
Is there something wrong with me? Is that why my family doesn't love me? Am I not good enough to be with them? I thought to myself not realizing that I'd completely stopped eating or the fact that Meliodas was staring at me.

"hey Elizabeth are you alright? Is there something wrong with the food? I can order something different if that's the problem" Meliodas stated calmly

"what? Oh no there's nothing wrong with the food I was just thinking" I said softly

"oh...... Well what ya thinking about then?" he asked casually

"......... Um ....... Well ....... What's wrong with me?" I asked seriously, it sounded like he chocked on his food for a second before looking at me dead in the eye

"Nothing...... There is nothing wrong with you......... You're probably the most perfect person I've ever met.......... Now why the hell are you asking that?" he asked sternly

"if there's nothing wrong with me then why.................. Then why doesn't my family........" I stopped, I couldn't bare to finish my sentence, I just looked down trying not to cry

"then why doesn't you're family what?" he asked curiously, he had been trying to learn more about me and my family for a while now I guess he's taking the opportunity,

"........then why doesn't my family love me?" I broke down crying after admitting, it I could hear him gasp slightly the moment I said it, he pulled me into a hug

"hey shh shh its okay, I bet they do, its probably just a misunderstanding, please don't cry........... It ...... Hurts....... to watch...... So please........ Stop...... How bout we go see your family, and I bet they'll prove you wrong" he said reassuringly

"okay......... But they've ignored me since I was born I have no idea where they are or how to find them" I said with my nose buried in the crook of his neck, I stopped crying as he requested,
And because I had been around him for this long I learned how family is supposed to stick together and how its not okay how I've been treated because his siblings played with him and loved him

"hey its okay I'll find them......... Wait they ignored you?" he asked curiously

"Y-yes I-I don't know w-why have I done something wrong? or am I just not good enough to be around them?" I asked as I held back the tears

"no no its alright I can guarantee that its nothing you've done...... Its just a misunderstanding, and your more then good enough to be with them" he said reassuringly as he lifted me off the ground and started carrying me back to the car so we could go back, but I felt bad for interrupting his meal

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