a little exploration never hurt anybody.

152 8 4

meliodas pov

me and zeldris sat on the couch as we watched Elizabeth and gelda on another couch giggle about who knows what as they whispered, occasionally glancing at us as they chit chatted.

"what do ya think they're saying?" I asked him quietly, raising a brow when Elizabeth turned pink from some kind of embarrassment.

"prolly sharing secrets about us..... y'know gelda might be giving her advice.... and if she is all I can say is you may want to rent out a hotel room for a couple nights" he warned playfully, elbowing me slightly as I stared at him in confusion.

"do I even want to know why?" I asked humorously, smiling as Elizabeth glanced at me whilst she talked.

"nah, i'll leave it as a surprise for you. if it happens though you'll certainly be a happy camper" he chimed, smirking at me.

I just chuckled at him, knowing i'd probably never know. it felt nice hanging out like this, spending the holidays together as we laughed and joked around. I hadn't seen estarosa all morning though, so going to wake him this morning had been a waste of time because his room had lacked his presence.

"hey! ya know something that sounds fun? watching a movie!" gelda beamed at us, smirking with a knowing look.

"sure, what movie?" zeldris asked at my side, grabbing the remote.

"blood and chocolate!" she responded eagerly, smirking at Elizabeth as she shoed her off that couch towards me and signaled for zeldris to sit with her.

a laugh left me when zeldris turned red as gelda pulled him down for snuggles, holding my hand out for Elizabeth to take as she sat down with me. I smiled at her as she snuggled up to me, wrapping my arms around her as zeldris hit the button on the remote for the lights to go out and the tv to come on.

"I've never seen this movie" Elizabeth whispered to me at my side, laying her head on my shoulder as she wrapped an arm over my chest.

"don't worry, you'll like it. it's like a romance..... kinda, suspense in some parts" I whispered in return, feeling giddy at how close she is.

she just hummed in acknowledgment, snatching one of my hands to interlace our fingers as the movie started. it was all I could do to watch the movie as my mind drifted back to last night, she said she'd always pick me... and she kissed me, twice! I thought happily, tilting my head to rest on top of her's.


I woke to the soft feeling of a hand gently feeling my chest over the grey Lincoln park t-shirt, opening my eyes to see that the movie was most the way over before looking down to see Elizabeth having bright red cheeks as she let her hand wander over me with curiosity written deep in her eyes.

I glanced nervously over to my brother in worry of his teasings to see him fast asleep with gelda in his arms as they snoozed, looking back down at Elizabeth made me suddenly grateful for the lights being off and the blackout curtains coming together to make the almost pitch dark aside from the light emanating from the tv.

her eyes stared into mine in silence, switching to just the tips of her fingers trailing over me as she suddenly smiled sheepishly. feeling a smirk pull my lips at the way she seemed so embarrassed, after having seemed so bold at touching me she gets embarrassed at me looking at her.

she stopped her trailing hand as if out of embarrassment, going back to watching the movie as her cheeks never ceased the color red. I didn't want her to stop, I wanted her to know she could touch me all she wanted.

i gently placed my hand on top of her's on my chest, beginning to move her hand along my chest once more as i attempted to smile encouragingly despite my own embarrassment. she looked at me curiously, her eyes bright with emotions.

a part of me wondered where my and her worlds would go from here, already being so close with each other and yet i felt as if we weren't nearly close enough for my tastes. i let her hand go and instead letting my hand rest on her lower back and beginning to gently massage her, smiling as she seemed to become distracted with the task of exploring my chest with her dainty hand as she let it slide to my stomach.

i tried to distract myself from her wandering hand by watching the movie, feeling my blood heat up and flood to all the wrong areas when her skin made contact with mine under my shirt. i glanced nervously to zeldris and gelda again to make sure they were still asleep, feeling only a small amount of my nerves settle when i saw them still sound asleep.

my eyes snapped back to Elizabeth when her hand went further under my shirt, gently tracing the muscles leading up as i shivered at the way her fingertips felt. her eyes showed curiosity, something sincere hidden behind.

however my went blank when her hand grazed one of my nipples, my breath coming out in huffs as i vaguely noticed that the movie ended, engulfing the room in darkness and only intensifying the feelings. i wrapped my arms completely around her as i buried my nose in her hair, suddenly craving privacy with her.

"E-Ellie..... let's go somewhere private" i murmered to her quietly, standing up and pulling her along with me as quietly as i could.

she giggled into her hand as her other held mine tightly, her fingers interlacing with mine.


my cheeks burned red with embarrassment as i locked the door to my room, feeling nervous as i watched Elizabeth fiddle with her hand. she bit her lip as she stared at the floor, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

"uh-umm..... s-so, do y-you remember wh-when we first confessed our feelings for each other? when I had asked if we could explore this? d-do you think th-that maybe y-you mi-might be ready to try a-a little bit of th-that?" I stammered out as I looked her up and down, instinctively feeling impatient to get my hands on her, especially with her wearing just some of my sweats and one of my black nirvana t-shirts.

she didn't respond at first, instead choosing to walk over to me and place a hand on my shoulder with a nod despite her pink cheeks.

I leaned forward slightly, placing both of my hands on either of her cheeks and staring into her eyes nervously. my eyes felt heavy when I leaned forward, knowing this would be the first time i'd kissed her and feeling nervous as whether I would be any good at it considering never having had kissed anyone before.

she surprised me by meeting me in the middle, her lips feather soft as she held her's against mine, gripping my shoulders with her hands as she stepped right up against me with a sigh. I let my hands slide down to rest on her lower back, a groan leaving me when I couldn't help but start gently moving my lips against her.



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