Perhaps not

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Elizabeth pov

I woke up in excruciating pain. My head throbbed, my body felt exhausted and I could barely get my eyes open.

I felt panic run through me when I discovered that I wasn't in my room, but a white room, all clean and neat, a soft beeping accompanied this.

Thats when I realized, I wasn't in my room because I was in the hospital.

The memories came back in a wave, work, going home and finding it cold, dinner, bathing..... Then falling.

Where is meliodas? Did he go home? I guess it'd be reasonable..... He only has so much time to waste on me. I thought sadly,

I wasn't too surprised though, I may have been injured but that wouldn't give him any reason to care.

But he did look legitimately worried though..... And he did take me here, to this hospital..... He saved me I thought with a blush,

I was startled out of thoughts by the sound of arguing outside the room.

Suddenly the door burst open, a glimpse into the hallway to see what looked like a doctor being held up against the wall by Meliodas before my vision was filled with.... Gelda!?

So he didn't leave me.... He went and got gelda...... I thought feeling my chest tighten,

"Elizabeth! I was so worried about you, especially when Meliodas called and said you were in the hospital! Me and zeldris came as fast as we could" she spoke sounding out of breath and tired,

"G-gelda, wh-why was Meliodas holding that doctor like out there?" I spoke worriedly,

"Oh him? He wasn't letting us in because of visitation rules and yada yada, so Meliodas got pissed" she spoke with a giggle, "ya know~ I've never seen him get so worked up about something- anything really, you obviously mean a lot to him" she spoke nudging me suggestively,

Oh? Really?

"R-really?" I asked hopefully,

"Mmhhmm~ yeah, and get this, when you left he-" her sentence was interrupted by zeldris coming in,

"Elizabeth! Where the hell were you? We looked everywhere for you, and why did you leave?" He spoke coming to sit next to gelda,

"Zeldris! Don't get so worked up, she's in here because she hit her head" gelda said scoldingly,

"Oh.... Right, sorry" he spoke sheepishly scratching the back of neck,

"It-its fine, really" i responded softly,

The door opened once more to reveal an angry looking blonde, who's eyes turned emerald when locking with mine.

"E-elizabeth..... Are you okay?" He asked from the doorway, his eyebrows creased with worry.

"Yes, thank you, for asking and for getting me here. Did they by any chance say what kind of injury my head sustained?" I asked curiously, feeling slightly more worried when he cringed at the question.

"Ye-yeah.... Umm, they said you have a concussion..... They did say it was only minor though. They'll check in on you in a moment, they just wanted you to relax for a moment first" he spoke with a thumb on his chin in thought and head tilted slightly, adorable!

I blushed at the thought. Meliodas finally began actually coming in the room, coming to the other side of the bed, opposite zeldris and gelda.

After the check-up they gave me some strict instructions, a note, some painkillers and an icepack.

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