it is tradition.....

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meliodas pov

"and then this dumbass just jumps off the fuckin roof yelling 'Geronimo!' and meanwhile me and gelda are just watching from the pool trynna figure out what kind of mushrooms he was on to think that was a good idea to jump off roof" zeldris laughed at the story he told, taking another bite of his ham.

"yeah, and then we come to find that he was not on anything, he was completely sober" gelda added with a giggle, sipping on her glass of blood.

"I was bored...." I pouted, feeling irritated that they teasing me.

I glanced to my side at Elizabeth who had been strangely quiet since dinner started, seeming deep in thought as she ate her food. she noticed my gaze and glanced back for a moment as she seemed become embarrassed as her cheeks turned pink.

"oh wait, didn't you and gelda have something to announce tonight?" I asked curiously, tilting my head at them as they suddenly seemed nervous.

"um-uh.... y-yes, we do..." zeldris stammered, glancing at gelda as she held his hand supportively.

"uh huh, like what?" I asked with a smile, attempting to be encouraging as I knew how nervous he was about whatever this was about.

"umm... s-so as i'm sure everyone is aware me and gelda have been together for a long time a-and such..... an-and w-we will continue to be together f-for umm-a-as long as we c-can...." he stared at his lap as he tried to stammer out whatever was going on, his shoulders and face tense as he was stopped by gelda placing a hand on his shoulder.

"it's okay, i'll say it... i'm pregnant" gelda spoke calmly, causing me to choke on my drink as Elizabeth was suddenly squealing in excitement.

"congratulations!" Elizabeth cheered at my side, her face lighting up as she was suddenly up and out of her seat scrambling around the table to their side.

I could only watch with a smile as Elizabeth made it to gelda and hugged her, talking excitedly about the new information. zeldris seemed to be looking at me worriedly for something, his eyes searching mine. I nodded to him with a smile, watching as that seemed to calm him slightly.

"well, my son, congratulations" our father spoke looking at zeldris, a barely there smile making it look more like a grin then smile.

"thank you father" zeldris halfway responded, still mostly looking at me.

estarosa was strangely silent, causing me to look over and see him having a strange look on his face as he watched zeldris and gelda. I ignored the strange feeling this caused and instead continued to watch Elizabeth as she gushed about the baby with gelda, smiling warmly as they all seemed thrilled.


after nearly three hours of gushing about the baby it was time to open presents, all of us laughing as we opened them, zeldris having wrapped a couple pranks for us.

one of the presents estarosa opened was from Elizabeth, it was a big box of differently scented candles. after he opened it he thanked Elizabeth in a strangely sweet tone and then shot me a cocky look, seeming to have a knowing smirk which instantly pissed me off.

I nearly choked when zeldris packed a real live cobra to jump out of one of my presents, having sent the quickest hell-blaze i'd ever sent before.

after laughing about it and teasing each other about it, gelda decided her and zeldris were gonna dance so she turned on some moonlight senata on loop and pulled him into dancing with her.

"oh how sappy" estarosa complained, standing up and leaving.

I wasn't able to pay much attention to that because suddenly Elizabeth was pulling me by the hand to start dancing with her, letting out an embarrassed squeak as she wrapped her arms over my shoulders and started slowly circling with me. I was suddenly grateful father and estarosa left, feeling myself grin at zeldris as we both made eye contact whilst we slow-danced around the room with our sweet ones.

a laugh left me when suddenly gelda changed the song to

I felt light headed at how tightly she held me, feeling heat flood my face when buried her nose in my neck.

from slow-dancing it went to just randomly spinning around the room as we laughed, causing me to close my eyes against how beautiful the sight of Elizabeth's hair floating around her face from the momentum was. I let out a yelp when we suddenly tumbled into the wall, feeling Elizabeth hide her face against the nook of my neck as she was filled with giggles.

I just stayed leaned up against the wall because my balance had yet to return, just holding my arms around her lower back as she continued to have her fit of giggles. I smiled down at the top of her head, loving the feeling of her wrapped around me.

a camara flash startled me out of my stupor, causing me to look up at zeldris and gelda in surprise. the sight of zeldris sliding his phone back into his pocket with a smirk brought confusion from me, before he suddenly pointed above me as his smirk widened.

I looked up to see something that made me feel both mortified and thrilled, a single mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. it felt like my mind went into a daze as I stared blankly at it as it hung above me, almost taunting me.

after a minute of silence I vaguely noticed that Elizabeth's laughter had died down some, only bringing about a quarter of my sense back. out of the corner of my vision I saw Elizabeth look at me and then followed to where I was looking, seeming to turn pink as she spotted it.

"well~ well~ well~ brother, brother~ looks like you just stumbled your way into earning yourself a kiss huh~?" zeldris teased with a grin, glancing at gelda as it appeared she held a camara up.

"yeah~ a kiss under the mistletoe~ how traditional~" gelda agreed, only briefly glancing away from her phone.

I just turned silently to Elizabeth as I felt heat rush to my cheeks, seeing Elizabeth looking just as embarrassed. my mind instantly began concocting what it might feel like, to have her lips against mine. this proved to have been a bad idea as my face burned in embarrassment, just staring at her for what felt like forever even though it was only a moment.

what if she doesn't want to kiss me but feels pressured because of the mistletoe? I don't want to move her too fast.... I thought worriedly, searching her eyes.

I felt my eyes close as stress filled me, because I desperately wanted to kiss her but knew in all technicality I couldn't. I instinctively shriveled up on myself, just rubbing my thumbs into her lower back.

my eyes weren't closed for long, the feeling of just a millisecond of heaven as warm lips touched mine just briefly. the sight of Elizabeth backing off with a crimson face, her hand covering her mouth as she glanced around shyly.

"yes! I got it on picture!" gelda squealed, jumping around with her camara.

I just stood there, feeling like I was in a daze.

f-fuck... I thought lustfully, feeling lightheaded as I watched her crystal blue eyes look up at me curiously.



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