you don't get to.

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meliodas pov

"so, for a job all you do is serve drinks all day and just chit chat with costumers? and you're sure you don't get drunk every night?" estarosa continued his questions as he had been for the past hour, after discovering Elizabeth is a bartender becoming needy for information.

"yes, pretty much" she responded sheepishly, seemingly embarrassed at having all the attention on her.

"yeah she scored a pretty cool job.... but ya know you shouldn't word it as 'all she does' because she works her ass off, and I don't remember the last time I saw you get up at any time before noon so how about ya try showing her some respect?" I snipped, raising a brow at him.

he just ignored my comment and moved on as if hadn't happened, starting up a conversation with zeldris about cars. i felt Elizabeth grab and hold my hand with a smile, causing me to close my hand around her's as i smiled in return.

i vaguely saw my father holding that same scowl towards Elizabeth, as he had been since we arrived. after a minute of me and Elizabeth watching zeldris and estarosa discuss what was better a lambo or a corvette, me and zeldris had to go help in the kitchen.

"jeez estarosa is gonna get his ass beat if he keeps going the way he's going" zeldris sighed as he washed dishes, glancing at me quietly.

"yeah, no kidding. i really don't get why he was so rude like that, i mean I've seen what she deals with and it is not a job i'd be able to hold" i agreed as i helped gelda get dinner out of the oven, licking my lips when the smell reached my nose.

"uh huh, and why is father scowling at her? he didn't do that when he first met her" he spoke with a grimace, the vague sound of him giving sigh.

"i don't know.... i wish the world would stop being so damn confusing for just ten whole seconds" i growled, turning off the oven.

after a minute of helping set stuff up we put it all on the roller tray, snickering at jokes we'd throw.

"okay, now we can help get stuff into the dining room and set the table" I spoke offhandedly, feeling spooked when zeldris suddenly slapped a hand over my mouth.

"what he means to say is, would you like us to help you move things into the dining room and then maybe help set the table?" he asked in a strange tone, looking worried as he gazed at her.

"no, it's alright I can handle it" she responded softly, smiling at him before rolling the cart out.

after a moment of silence I turned to zeldris with a raised brow, looking at his concerned face as a single sweat drop slid down his face.

"so, what may I inquire was that about?" I asked curiously, referencing how strange he acted with gelda.

"that.... that's a part of what we'll be announcing tonight" he murmered quietly, his brows furrowing out of stress.

"hey, remember i'm here too okay? no need to stress because i'll always be here to help you with whatever there is to be helped with" I stated with finality, grabbing his shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

"yeah" he sighed softly, his head perking up and looking to the entrance to the living room with a raised brow.

"what?" I inquired, looking over to the entrance as well.

instead of responding he walked over and cracked the door open to peak through, looking absolutely childish in the way he watched through it. I rolled my eyes as I decided to play along and peak as well, leaning over him to look through the small crack as well.

I didn't see anything of interest until I noticed Elizabeth was not where I left her, instantly giving my heart a jolt as I was reminded of when she left.

my eyes wandered over to the other end of the couch and I resisted giving a sigh as my worries were silenced as I saw her there, but feeling my blood boil at how close estarosa had made himself, even having his arm draped over the back of the couch behind her. I didn't wait a minute to walk in, feeling heat fester at the fact that upon closer inspection it appeared that she looked as if she'd been cornered into the corner of the couch.

the moment Elizabeth saw me walking over her face lit up and hopped off the couch to meet me in the middle, much to estarosa's displeasure noting the way he rolled his eyes.

"is it okay for me to go hang out with gelda?" she asked curiously, hopefulness obvious in her tone.

"yes, of course, you don't even have to ask" I smiled to her, telling her where she was and watching her leave.

but the moment she left and I saw zeldris leave to show her the way my eyes snapped to estarosa, feeling my teeth grind in irritation as I saw him look bored as if he hadn't been flirting with my Elizabeth. I marched over to him as my mind began concocting how much he would've been willing try with her had I not walked in.

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him off the couch just enough to be eye to eye.

"and just what did you think you were doing with my Elizabeth?" I snarled under my breath, glaring into his eyes as his face showed a look of surprise.

"just flirting... you guys aren't even together so why are you calling her 'your elizabeth' when in technicality she is not" he responded smugly, a tune of humor in his tone.

"did you really just say 'just flirting'? and no fucking shit we're not together yet, but that does not mean you get to flirt with her" I snarled at him, feeling nostalgic as he held the same expression he did when I found him in bed with liz.

suddenly he smacked me off of him and stood, looking down at me with a cocky look.

"or what? ya gonna beat my ass like you did all those years ago? and what did that fix? that's right, it didn't do anything. you still lost liz, and I still have sex with her whenever I feel like it. and on top of that I don't know if you've noticed but that Elizabeth is as innocent as snow, so how do you think she'll react to the sight of you beating up your baby brother? and besides, you don't stand a chance in comparison to me, after all I can't remember the last time a girl actually wanted a short guy for anything other then money, so now that she can have me who has the same access to the same money who do you think she'll pick?" he spoke arrogantly, smirking at me with his ego on full display.

for the first time I suddenly felt self-conscious about my body, which only enraged me further as I felt my power flare.

"let me put it lightly estarosa, if you continue to try to gain her favor, I won't just beat you, i'll tear you apart" I growled to him, being honest in my threat as I was unwilling to risk losing her.

he held his ground as he stared at me, as if trying to see if I was bluffing, after a moment it appeared he realized how truthful I was and his face only changed slightly as he tried to act unfazed. suddenly the door opened to reveal gelda standing there, a smile that was quickly wiped off her face when she saw our stances.

"dinner is ready in the dining room.... please don't fight today..... please" she spoke quietly, looking uneasy as she glanced in between each of us.

"thank you gelda, we'll be right there" I responded easily, smiling at her to calm her as I walked passed her and began making my way to the dining room.



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