My Drug Of Choice

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meliodas pov

the sight of zeldris's car in her apartment complex's parking lot caused me to narrow my eyes, feeling a brow arch in curiosity. i made sure to park aways away, being gentle in closing my door to avoid them hearing me. once that was done i began scaling the building, knowing which window was hers based off it having the curtains i got her.

i perched myself outside the window, peering in curiously and feeling only more curiosity arrive when i saw zeldris sitting on her couch with his head down, looking guilty. upon looking further i saw Elizabeth standing in the corner by the entrance to the kitchen looking irritated, looking at the floor with an emotion i couldn't decipher in her eyes.

suddenly she seemed to have some kind of outburst, shouting something i couldn't catch at him before pointing at the door. he left quickly, derieri coming in the door right as he left as Elizabeth sat down on the couch to wrap her arms around herself. it looked like derieri was trying to talk to her but Elizabeth literally ignored her in favor of turning her head away.

derieri just nodded and went back out, opening the opportunity for me to go in as i used a small bit of mana to unlock the window silently. sneaking in and closing the window behind me, watching her in utmost happiness as she grabbed her phone out. suddenly she put the phone up to her ear, her sniffles making me want to throttle zeldris for making her cry.

the feeling of my phone vibrating in my pocket made me realize she was going to leave me another voicemail, waiting a moment for the vibrations to end to hear what she had to say.

"Meli i just heard what zeldris told you and i swear it's not true! i-i really do care about you! wh-when you get back i-i can tell you all about how much i care....... i am so sorry you're having to go through any of this...... i wish i could help you..... if me being friends with mael is a problem i won't be friends with him, i-i'll quit and work somewhere else if it means you know i don't care about him like that! please........ i miss you" she ended it, sniffling as she set her phone to the side.

standing there in astonishment was unable to be helped, feeling lightheaded with happiness.

"is that a promise?" i asked darkly, watching her head whip around to look at me.

"m-meli?" she asked quietly, her tears coming to a stop.

"yes beautiful?" i responded in that same dark tone, eyes widening when she jumped over the back of the couch to get to me, wrapping her arms over me.

"i missed you! meli! meli!" she cried out as she littered my face and neck with kisses, burying her hands in my hair.

the feeling was instant, like a match being lit my body felt like it was burning as i wrapped my arms around her waist, returning her kisses vehemently, licking and sucking on her skin as i went. she tasted so good, her skin so sweet with slight traces of salt.

her pulse was racing when i kissed over her throat, lowering down to my knees as i kissed her shaking form. she tried to follow me for more kisses but i used my being lower to wrap my arms around her thighs in a hug to pick her up, carrying her to her bedroom swiftly. she yelped when i threw her onto the bed, climbing over her excitedly as she squeaked in embarrassment at me kissing my way up her body.

she squirmed cutely when i kissed the apex of her thighs through her jeans on my way up, growling my claim when i bit her breast through her shirt. it thrilled me that she wasn't rejecting me, she was accepting my advances, wrapping her arms around me with quiet whimpers of my name.

"Ellie- fuck- you taste like the finest of wines~" i moaned lowly in her ear, nibbling the skin underneath.

she didn't respond at first, instead choosing to wrap her legs around my waist causing me to push down and grind against her momentarily. the sounds she made were positively sinful, my quiet grunts accompanying her as i used one of my hands to hold her hip in a bruising grip. she let her head fall back against the pillows, her soft moans sounding syrupy in my ears.

the sight of her pulling her lip to rest in between her teeth drew out a needy noise from me, causing me to lean down and bury my face in her breasts. she felt so good the tingling feeling of my finish closing in embarrassingly quick, making me reach a hand down to rub against her in between our bodies.

at the sudden sound of her gasping pleas i used my other hand to grasp one of her breasts and grope her roughly, speeding the pace of my hips up and lean enough to kiss her deeply. i sucked her tongue into my mouth with a gargled groan, shuddering in delight when she hit her orgasm and allowing myself to finish too.

it felt incredible to have her like this again, grunting as i explored her mouth excitedly and letting my eyes shut at the bliss of her pushing into my mouth as well. she seemed to go limp underneath me in satisfaction as i could already feel myself hardening again, ready to go again as one of those strange waves of heat washed over me.

"Sex?" i asked dazedly, staring down at her feeling my arousal sting and throb with need.

"wh-what? y-you want to-to have-have erm..... i've never- i mean- i haven't ever- i don't know if-" "yeah, you're a virgin, i know. my invitation still stands cutey, wanna have sex? or what other ways are there to put it hmm? Wanna fuck? wanna have a ride? wanna make Love? however that last one only stands if the 2 doing it love each other, and while i can say truthfully i love you, i wouldn't be able to say it because you don't love me back. so, wanna have sex?" i asked bluntly, raising a brow at how red she had turned even as she stared at me teary eyed.

"you love me?" she asked in astonishment, removing her hands from to cover her mouth.

"uh huh, yeah why? you thought because i'm a demon that i can't love? well i can" i huffed in irritation, feeling tempted to grind against her for relief from the pain throbbing through my arousal at how hard it was straining.

"no! nothing like that! i knew demons, you especially, could love.... but i just didn't think you could love me.... " she murmered softly, her eyes refilling with tears and causing my gut to clench as my stomach dropped.

"I Love You. is that proof enough?" I responded lowly, watching as an emotion flood her eyes that startled me as i didn't recognize it before she pulled me down to her to kiss.

it was easy to lose myself in her lips, grunting when she bit my lip and using my hands to grab her ass to hold her to me. her hands buried themselves in my hair to scratch my scalp roughly, pulling a growl from me as i thrusted against her momentarily. after a moment she pulled away from the kiss, holding my cheeks to look me in the eye with crimson cheeks.

"y-you can- i mean- i woul-wouldn't tell you no if-if umm" "i can have sex with you?" i asked bluntly, shivering in excitement when she nodded bashfully.

"thank you gorgeous, i'll make sure to go at a slow pace for you" i murmered lowly, hooking my fingers in her pants and pulling them down slowly as i stared her in the eye.

it was almost too much to handle at the sight of her blue panties being exposed to me completely, the jeans sliding off easily as i tossed them in the corner of the room. even her thighs had a light pink shade to them she blushing so much, drawing my eyes lustfully. i looked at her shirt now, wanting desperately to see her breasts.

she shivered when i slid one of my hands under her shirt, slowly lifting it over her as she sat up and lifted her arms to help remove it. the sight of her yellow bra caused me a groan, lifting her shirt over her head throwing to the corner too.

it pleased me that she didn't try to cover herself up, just turning her head to the side to blush at the wall. i gently took her chin to get her to look back at me, leaning down to kiss her and pressing close to feel her breasts pressed against me. a quiet moan left her in the form of my name, felt more than heard.

once it felt like she had relaxed some i hooked my thumbs into her panties, shivering when she let me begin pulling them down. i kept eye contact as i pulled the offending fabric completely off of her, leaning down to kiss her when i finished pulling it off. she shivered when i pressed my hips down against hers, something akin a whimper escaping her.

she titled her head to kiss me deeper, holding me close with her hands as i slid mine under her lower back to reach for the clasp of her bra. it felt electric when she sat up slightly to let me unclasp it, pulling from the kiss to hide her face in my shoulder.

"m-meli" she stammered against me, causing me to stop what i was doing to listen if she had anything else to say.

"yes Cutey? something wrong? want me to stop?" i asked lowly in her ear, feeling my arousal throb pitifully at the prospect of stopping.

"n-no it-it's just..... are you sure you want me?" she asked in a saddened tone, her hands fiddling with my shirt as she sat with her legs still wrapped around me.

"Yes, more than anything i crave you without stop, without rest my very soul seeks to have everything possible with you. I Love You, Ellie" i growled into her ear, kissing the skin underneath.

she shivered when i said i loved her again, nodding against me as i felt her hands slowly pry at one of the buttons on my shirt. with a smile i leaned back, pulling her with me so she could continue. i wanted desperately to look down to see what she looked like down there but kept eye contact so she could see me too, huffing when she began smoothly undoing the buttons of my shirt, revealing the red tank top underneath.

when she went to slide the shirt off of my shoulders it got caught on my elbows, causing her to frown as tried again to get it off. once it was obvious the shirt wasn't cooperating i sat forwards slightly to hold her lower back with one hand and rip both the shirt and tank top off in one fell swoop, tossing the shredded clothes off the bed as i watched her cheeks darken in color.

just to tease her i flexed the muscles in my chest and stomach, watching in deep satisfaction how even her ears turned red from her blush. she let out a cute squeak when i took one of her hands to rest it on my chest, wanting her to get a good feel of me.

"still feel like continuing, Love?" i asked huskily, shivering when she ran her fingers up and down my chest in curious strokes.

"mhm, i-i trust you, Meli" she responded softly, looking me in the eye with a smile.

with that i sat forward and began gently littering her cheeks with kisses as i slid my hands around her to unclasp her bra, trailing my fingers gently along her back to drag it of her. smiling at her breathy noise, pulling the offending material off of her to throw it across the room.

she was naked straddling my lap, something i had craved for far longer than i'd ever be able to admit. i pulled her flush to me, shuddering in delight at the feeling of her nipples against me. after a moment of letting her get comfortable i reached my hands down to grab her ass, enjoying the soft feeling as her flesh overflowed my hands.

the feeling of my arousal giving another pang of pain reminded me that i was still halfway clothed, causing me to roll her to the edge so i could stand to slide my jeans with my shoes and socks off. when i looked back at her i flushed deeply, seeing her like this for the first time giving my body quite the heatwave.

"holy fuck Ellie~ you look like a whole meal ready for the taking~" i moaned darkly, not knowing where to look more, her bare breasts having a light pink hue but the space between her legs drawing my attention the most.

she had almost no hair down there at all, her body looking smooth and soft and just begging for me to touch from the red color. however the sight of how wet she was there nearly made my knees give out as it looked as though she was dripping, the scent of which making me realize i most certainly had to have a taste.

a huff left me as i was suddenly kneeling next to the bed next to her, kissing her thigh and smirking at her squeak of embarrassment. i breathed deeply to scent her, salivating at the sweet scent as i nuzzled my way to being in-between her thighs, looking up into her eyes lustfully.

"you should let me have a taste, Love..... i've wanted a taste since that first night i took you on a date, when i had kneeled and gotten a smell..... fuck i want your legs around my neck so bad Ellie~ please? pretty please?" i asked her lowly, deliberately blowing a cool breath against her and enjoying the sight of her tremor as she moaned softly, giving a soft nod so bashfully she had to look away. i hummed as i leaned forward slowly, trailing kisses on the inside of her thighs.

she shook the closer i got while i let my eyes slide shut, shivering when i reached her, giving a gentle open mouthed kiss that had her hips bucking with her sudden moan. the taste reminded me of wine, sweet but also tart, my favorite kind of flavor. i reached one of my hands up to hold her open for me before giving a lick, finding her flavor more exquisite the more tried it.

"Mmmmelliodaaas~" she moaned lowly, one of her hands reaching down to massage my scalp.

"Elizabeth~" i moaned against her, dipping in to kiss her body deeply and shivering as her flavor filled my mouth.

suddenly she was arching, high moans and fast gasps escaping her as her body throbbed against my tongue insanely fast. another, sweeter flavor invaded my mouth as she finished, her body going limp on the bed as i swallowed her down.

she seemed so satisfied in the way she sighed, the hand in my hair trailing down to the side of my face to trace lines on my jaw. i smirked as i dragged a finger over her slit teasingly, dragging it back down to gently push it into her. to say she was tight would be an understatement, i barely fit the one finger inside at all.

has she never so much as masturbated before? she's so insanely tight...... i thought haughtily, slowly pushing my finger in and out of her quivering body as she moaned out right with slight whimpers, her hands now holding the bedsheets in tight fists.

my own body burned with need, especially now knowing how good it was going to feel when i got inside of her. her body made a wet sound every time i pushed my finger back inside, making it sound that much more erotic as i made the decision to add a second finger. she certainly had a pleased reaction to that instantly finishing against my working hand, her syrupy calls of my name striking a lot of nerves on fire with the need to be inside of her.

after she had settled some i gave one of her thighs a kiss, than began gently scissoring my fingers inside of her to prepare her for me. she gave a quiet whimper but didn't remove her legs from being wrapped around me.

once i had done that for a minute i stood, smirking down at her as i continued to enjoy how happy i was to see her like this for the first time. i wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up to carry her back to the center of the bed, laying her gently onto the pillows before grabbing one to push under her ass. after that i pulled my boxers off and grinned widely at her blush when she saw me, kissing her cheek.

"Ellie~ Still sure, Love?" i asked darkly, shifting so that my hips rested under hers.

"mhm.... m-make love to me?" she asked so sweetly i almost didn't catch what she was implying, causing me to snap my head up to lock eyes with her.

my hearts stuttered as i nodded, grabbing her hips and gently beginning to roll my length against her heated slit, coating myself in her fluids. the feeling of her warm wet heat caressing me was almost too much as i shuddered in restrained delight, her sounds accompanying mine in such a way it sounded lewd.

after just a moment of this i dragged myself down her, pressing the tip in slightly and letting out a gargled growl of her name as she whimpered. she felt amazing! like a wet vice grip.....

i leaned down to kiss her, comforting her to the best of my knowledge as she wrapped her arms around me again. the feeling of her sucking my tongue into her mouth made my eyes slam shut as i began gently rocking my hips to slowly push deeper, growling with the intense pleasure her body granted me.



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