what just happened???

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Elizabeth pov

After breakfast everyone made plans, Guila and Jericho were going to work and had already called my boss telling that I wouldn't make it to work but Zeldris agreed to cover my shift and gelda decided to tag along.

Leaving just me and meliodas.

The day passed swiftly, lunch being just some sandwiches before returning to watching movies.

Meliodas was sitting next to me on the couch watching TV with me mid afternoon, chuckling at a couple of the jokes.

"Hey, what's your favorite character? Mine is either Zack or Vince simply because they're rivalry reminds me of me and Zeldris" meliodas spoke curiously, turning to me with a smile.

"Umm I don't know, Glen maybe?" I spoke uncertaintly, watching as he grinned.

"Yeah, he was pretty funny" he agreed, chuckling at another joke.

"Mhm, and how he was so scared of his brother even though he was only half the size of him" I giggled, watching as he raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, I take offense to that! Us short peeps are not to be underestimated" he laughed, putting a hand over his chest acting wounded.

"Your literally taller then him, and besides I didn't say your short anyways" I added softly, finding it adorable how reacted.

"No but you did insinuate that short people aren't scary" he teased, scooching closer with a hand on my shoulder.

"Well they're not, and besides, your not short your cuddle sized" I gushed, watching as he turned a light pink.

"F-fine you win" I stammered, his cheeks going red.

I just giggled at his cuteness, letting out a small shriek as he suddenly shoved me over and started tickling me.

"N-no st-stop it! Th-that tickles!" I shrieked in giggles, trying to push him off.

"Nah uh, this is what you get for teasing me!" He laughed, getting distracted long enough for me to roll on top, pushing him to lay lengthwise with the couch with me on his lap.

I started tickling him in return, watching his face pinken again as he laughed, his smile making me feel light headed.

He tried to tickle me despite his disadvantage, but I snatched his wrists and pinned them above his head.

"Looks like you won" He whispered, as if afraid of making me move.

I just smiled at him, finding it cute how I knew he could easily have won this round but chose to let me win.

"Mhm, looks like it" I acknowledged, feeling heat rise to my cheeks at the position I realized we were in.

"Oh how I wonder what prize the esteemed Elizabeth will want?" He cooed, his chest beginning to heave with uneven breaths, the green of his eyes darkening.

I felt heat rush down my stomach and pool between my thighs, I unconsciously shifted my thighs in an attempt to ease the sudden feeling but all that did was caused me to shift as I had my thighs on either side of his waist.

A groan slipped passed his lips as I did this, his back arching slightly. His hips shifted up against me, causing a gasp leave me.

The sudden feeling of his hands gripping my thighs made me realize that I had released his wrists when I gasped.

He held me firmly, his fingers kneeding my thighs as if feeling me.

I shifted again and gasped at the sudden friction, shifting again in an attempt to have it again.

He groaned beneath me, causing the feeling to entensify as I shifted in an attempt to feel it again.

Suddenly his hand gripped me firmly, grinding me against himself as we both groaned in unison at the feeling.

"M-meliodas~" I moaned softly as he continued, I felt something bulge on his crotch as I spoke.

"Y-yes..... " he managed to respond, his groans of pleasure turning into growls as he sped up.

I slumped over him, my breasts hitting his collar bone causing him to tip his head to nuzzle them.

It felt like I was climbing a mountain and getting swiftly closer to the top, his pace hastening.

My vision was blurring from my pleasure, my breath ragged as I panted.

Suddenly he let out a snarl as he pushed me off, swiftly pulling me to stand on unsteady legs.

"Go to the bathroom and take a bath, be extra careful not to fall" he whispered in a deep tone, ushering me off before I could get a word out.

As I was closing the bathroom door I heard the front door open and the sounds of gelda, guila, Zeldris and Jericho returning made me realize why he had me go.

I locked the door in an attempt to collect my thoughts.

What just happened??? One minute we're joking around while watching a movie and the next I'm on top of him humping him..... And why did it feel so good? He seemed to enjoy it too...... Oh boy this is going to make things awkward...... I thought worriedly, starting my bath as I got undressed.

I dropped a bath bomb and some bubbles in alongside some bath salts, grabbing my phone from my pocket and playing some cello suite on loop before climbing in.

I sighed softly, laying back in the tub to relax.

My mind wondered back to the moment with meliodas, remembering every moment in an attempt to grasp at straws at how it ended up that way.

But in the end I couldn't think of any, my body beginning to throb at the memories of his moaning and groaning, the feeling of rocking in his lap.......

I was startled out of my thoughts when a knock rattled the bathroom door.

"Hey, you good? You've been in there awhile" Jericho asked from the other side.

"Yes! I'm getting out now" I stammered, swiftly pulling the plug on the tub, climbing out as it drained.

I pulled a towel from the rack and wrapped myself up before doing the same with my hair.

I turned off my music, grabbed my things and carried them out of the bathroom. Once more thankful for there being two bathrooms, this one being attached to my bedroom.

I smiled at Jericho as she sat on my bed, typing on her phone before looking up at me.

"Hi, I was just worried because if I remember correctly meliodas said you'd fallen in the bathroom to get that concussion right?" She spoke concerned, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, it hurt a lot, thank goodness meliodas was there to help" I spoke softly, feeling heat rise to my cheeks at the memories of his sweetness while grabbing clothes.

"Uh huh..... So~ why was he here with you~ huh~" she teased causing me to go crimson in the cheeks.

"H-he was staying the night because he lives really f-far away" I sputtered, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

I slid on the new pair of blue panties before doing the same with the purple comfy shorts.

"Mhm.... Ooo~ does that mean he saw you naked~" she remarked teasingly, smirking with a raised eyebrow.

"N-no! H-he had his eyes c-closed and covered me up before opening them again" I whisper screamed, my embarrassment continuing to highten.

I slipped on a new yellow bra and grabbed my oversized black Nirvana hoodie before slipping it on.

"Oh come on, I'm only teasing you.... And besides I believe it was your words that said you had feelings for him" she teased cheekily, giggling at my embarrassment.



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